Timezone Dates for Israel [2005 and beyond]

Ephraim Silverberg ephraim at cse.huji.ac.il
Wed Mar 2 12:44:45 UTC 2005

On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, I wrote:

> Note that although the wording of the law is not final, its intent is --
> a free translation of the text would read:

Yesterday (March 1), the proposal passed second and third readings in
the Knesset thus making it law making it the first permanent Daylight
Saving Time law rule since the founding of the State of Israel.

The following is a translation of the final wording of the law:

        Every year, between the last Friday before the second
        of April, at 02:00, and the last Sunday before the tenth
        of [the Hebrew calendar month of] Tishrei [i.e. the
        Jewish fast of Yom Kippur], at 02:00, the time in
        Israel will be made an additional hour earlier so that
        it will precede Coordinated Universal Time by three hours.

The Hebrew original of the finalised version of the law amendment resides at:


Ephraim Silverberg, CSE System Group,        Phone number:    972-2-6585521
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.        Fax number:      972-2-5617723
WWW: http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~ephraim       E-mail: ephraim at cse.huji.ac.il

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