Daylight Saving Time in Brazil

Ronaldo Vasconcellos ronaldo at
Tue Oct 11 12:27:30 UTC 2005

Hi Paul!

I know Avi Alkalay, AFAIK he still works in IBM Brazil (I did). Let´s wait 
for his answer.

I agree with you - the english term more similar to ours ("Horario de 
Verao") is Summer Time. But DST (Daylight Saving Time) seems to be the 
most popular around the globe.

We learned that applications such as MySQL are affected by using 
non-GLIBC-compliant abbreviations. Are you aware of something like that?

I hope we together solve this confusion. As I stated in my last message, 
there should be a FAQ entry. The only clear explanation is on 
"glibc-x.x.x/timezone/southamerica", too hidden :-)


Ronaldo C Vasconcellos

Security Incidents Response Center
Brazilian Research and Academic Network

On Mon, 10 Oct 2005, Paul Eggert wrote:

> Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 09:48:29 -0700
> From: Paul Eggert <eggert at CS.UCLA.EDU>
> To: Ronaldo Vasconcellos <ronaldo at>
> Cc: The GNU C Library Steering Committee <glibc-sc at>,
>     Alexandre Oliva <aoliva at>, tz at, avi at
> Subject: Re: Daylight Saving Time in Brazil
> As far as I can see, the abbreviations used in the above-referenced 
> table are merely examples and are not meant to be recommendations. 
> Abbreviations like "BRDT" would not correspond to common Brazilian 
> practice, which is to use the Portuguese equivalent of "summer time" 
> rather than "daylight time".
> As is stated in the tz tables' comments, in 1999 I invented the 
> abbreviations BRT/BRST, AMT/AMST, etc., that are used in the current tz 
> tables for Brazil.  As far as I know nobody else has needed, or uses, 
> English-language acronyms for the Brazilian time zone.  However, should 
> an alternate tradition arise in practice, of course we'd prefer to use 
> the English-language abbreviations that people are actually using, as 
> opposed to abbreviations that we have invented.

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