Parliamentary Library research note on Australian DST

Paul Eggert eggert at CS.UCLA.EDU
Sat Dec 16 06:54:38 UTC 2006

Last week the Parliamentary Library of Australia issued a research
note on daylight saving time in Austrlia.

Of some note:

"EST" is listed before "AEST", and similarly for "CST" and "WST", so
this is some semiofficial sanction for the abbreviations the tz
database uses.

The note mentions Eucla time, giving Wikipedia as the reference!
(So much for the Australian Parliament being authoritative on
the subject of Australian time zones....)

It has a strange copyright notice:

  Except to the extent of the uses permitted under the Copyright Act of
  1968, no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in
  any form or by any means including information storage and retrieval
  systems, without the prior written concent of the Department of
  Parliamentary Services, other than by senators and members of the
  Australian Parliemant in the course of their official duties.

This makes it sound like I didn't have permission to download it off
the net, but perhaps I should just ascribe this strange wording to
hyperactive Australian copyright lawyers.

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