First Sunday

Olson, Arthur David (NIH/NCI) [E] olsona at
Thu Feb 23 14:12:34 UTC 2006

If we were starting over, additions such as "1stMon" would be the way to
However, given all those time zone compilers out in the field that don't
understand "1stMon", and given that there's a way of representing the
desired input that those compilers do understand, my sense would be to
stick with the existing mechanism in the data files.


> > And while we're on that subject, there are several lastSuns and a 
> > lastSat in Zone entries (which inherently refer to just one 
> > occurrence). Would it be better to replace those with the
appropriate actual days?

> How about avoiding >= -v- <= issues altogether, along with the
occasional counting problems, by introducing synonyms like "1stMon",
"2ndSun", etc.
> While not strictly necessary like their "last..." brethren, if clarity
of expression is the goal then I proffer that they are just the ticket.

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