Oshu tries "DST"; S. Korea considers DST; DST in S. Korea 1949-1961?

Paul Eggert eggert at CS.UCLA.EDU
Mon Jul 10 00:36:07 UTC 2006

In South Korea the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy has
commissioned a research project to consider the reintroduction of
daylight saving time as early as 2008.  See the following articles:


The first story says "Korea had a daylight saving program from
1949-61, and again in 1987-88."  The second story, by Annie I. Bang,
gives a bit more detail: "Korea ran a daylight saving program from
1949-61 but stopped it during the 1950-53 Korean War."  We have the
1987-1988 records, but for the earlier period our current database has
South Korea observing DST only from May 15 through September 12, 1960.
This is from Shanks & Pottenger.  If anyone has more detailed info
please let me know.

A July 3 UPI story reports that citizens of Oshu, Japan set their
clocks forward on June 21.  They'll move them back August 11.  This
appears to be an experiment by the local chamber of commerce to get
people to go to work an hour earlier, and come home an hour earlier,
as part of the "Cool Biz" no-tie, no-jacket campaign that the Japanese
environment ministry has been promoting lately.  About 50 businesses
are changing their clocks, but it does not appear to affect anyone
else.  Another part of the compaign sets air conditioning thermostats
to 28 degrees Celsius at workplaces.

Hokkaido has been doing something similar since 2004.

Here are references:


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