Nipigon and Atikokan

Jesper Norgaard Welen jnorgard at
Fri Nov 3 00:55:58 UTC 2006

Thanks, Chris

>Nipigon Township:
>Northern boundary:   49 degrees 02 minutes 20 seconds N
>Eastern boundary:    88 degrees 14 minutes 0  seconds W
>Southern boundary:   48 degrees 58 minutes 20 seconds N  <--updated
>Western boundary:    88 degrees 26 minutes 0  seconds W

Thanks for the updated coordinates. I think I will include Quetico
Provinicial Park in my Atikokan timezone. Do you happen to have the
coordinates? I tried with the links you sent, but the PDF files load very
slowly, and I don't see the coordinates clearly.

>If you are making a time zone map you have to decide whether to lump
>Provincial Park in with Atikokan. Quetico is a large wilderness park. At
>square kilometres it is more than ten times the size of Atikokan itself. It
>mostly used by canoeists in the summer and cross country skiers in the
winter. The 
>head office for Quetico is inside the town of Atikokan. The park staff uses

>Atikokan time for official purposes.  Campers, canoeists, skiers, etc. can
>what ever time they wish.

>Also, if you are creating time zone maps for all of Canada, please be aware
>recent changes in Quebec time legislation. If I understand the new
>the time zone boundary will no longer follow the 63rd meridian starting
next year. 
>See my notes in:  

I'm not quite sure what are the changes from previous *actual* time keeping
in the regions and the new laws to be applied Jan 1, 2007. As far as I can
see the laws are merely confirming the practice that was already used. One
exception could be the Anticosti Island, where this is cut on 2 by the map
on while it seems that the permanent
inhabitants, mostly situated on the west side of the island, always has used
EST/EDT on the whole island, thus making the previous link wrong about the
eastern part of the island. But as I understand it, the new law is now
reflecting the current practice even in this case.

- Jesper

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