FW: Haiti and Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Olson, Arthur David (NIH/NCI) [E] olsona at dc37a.nci.nih.gov
Thu Feb 22 18:23:17 UTC 2007

I'm forwarding this message from Stephen Colebourne, who is not on the
time zone mailing list (at least not at the address below). Those of you
who are on the time zone mailing list: please direct replies
appropriately. Thanks!


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Colebourne [mailto:scolebourne at joda.org] 
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 1:05 PM
To: tz at lecserver.nci.nih.gov
Subject: Haiti and Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Some IATA info:

Haiti won't be having DST in 2007:

Country Time    Standard        - - - DST Start - - -   - - - DST End
- - -     DST
Name    Zone    Variation       Time    Date    Time    Date
Haiti   HT      -0500

Saint Pierre and Miquelon will match the US and Canada:

Country Time    Standard        - - - DST Start - - -   - - - DST End
- - -     DST
Name    Zone    Variation       Time    Date    Time    Date
Saint Pierre    PM
and Miquelon            -0300   0500    11MAR07 0400    04NOV07 -0200
                        0500    09MAR08 0400    02NOV08 -0200
                        0500    08MAR09 0400    01NOV09 -0200


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