Australia/Darwin 1945..2007

Sean B. Durkin sean at
Tue Jan 23 01:01:19 UTC 2007

To anyone who can help:

The data source file 'australasia' specifies that the Australia/Darwin
zone uses the rule Aus from 1-May-1899 onwards. But the Aus rule is
undefined for from 1945 onwards! I have copied the salient fragment of
the australasia file to the bottom of this message.

Am I missing something here? or is the data inconsistent?

Moreover, as a general rule, how should one interpret the application
of a tz "rule" for periods when the rule is not explicitly defined?

Thanks in advance, if anyone can advise.
Sean B. Durkin

Fragment from 'australasia'

# Rule    NAME    FROM    TO    TYPE    IN    ON    AT    SAVE    LETTER/S
Rule    Aus    1917    only    -    Jan     1    0:01    1:00    -
Rule    Aus    1917    only    -    Mar    25    2:00    0    -
Rule    Aus    1942    only    -    Jan     1    2:00    1:00    -
Rule    Aus    1942    only    -    Mar    29    2:00    0    -
Rule    Aus    1942    only    -    Sep    27    2:00    1:00    -
Rule    Aus    1943    1944    -    Mar    lastSun    2:00    0    -
Rule    Aus    1943    only    -    Oct     3    2:00    1:00    -

# Zone    NAME        GMTOFF    RULES    FORMAT    [UNTIL]
# Northern Territory
Zone Australia/Darwin     8:43:20 -    LMT    1895 Feb
             9:00    -    CST    1899 May
             9:30    Aus    CST

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