Implementation of zoneinfo (Olson, tz) database in .NET c-sharp csharp
Masayoshi Okutsu
Masayoshi.Okutsu at Sun.COM
Fri Jun 22 14:31:53 UTC 2007
On 6/22/2007 4:31 AM, Paul Eggert wrote:
> Does this mean that the Windows-Tzid table maintained by the
> CLDR project is incorrect, or that CLDR needs a new table for Vista?
> If so, we should warn the CLDR folks about the problem. Please see
> <>.
Some time ago I pointed out that there's no concept of tzid on Windows,
and I asked how CLDR got these "Windows-Tzids." But I don't think I got
any answer.
The Java runtime uses the GetTimeZoneInformation() and "Time Zones"
registry values to detect the current Windows time zone and map it to a
tz database ID using some complicated method. You may want to check
<JRE_HOME>\lib\tzmappings in JRE/JDK 6 for Windows and the runtime code
for detecting the current Windows time zone. The source code can be
downloaded from
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