FW: Iran's parliament and the government have not yet reached a consensus on the country's official clock

Olson, Arthur David (NIH/NCI) [E] olsona at dc37a.nci.nih.gov
Mon Mar 26 13:37:52 UTC 2007

I'm (somewhat belatedly) forwarding this message from Alexander
Krivenyshev, who is not on the time zone mailing list (at least not at
the address shown below). Those of you who are on the time zone mailing
list should direct replies appropriately.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alexander Krivenyshev [mailto:info at worldtimezone.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:17 AM
To: tz at lecserver.nci.nih.gov
Subject: Iran's parliament and the government have not yet reached a
consensus on the country's official clock

Media continue conflicting reports about DST in Iran:
Article headline is "Iran will not observe DST" 
however one can read that: 
"....Majlis (Iran's parliament) may simply move ahead independently and 
seriously consider a recent parliamentary report in favor of the DST
change... "
" ... a team of government representatives and members of the Majlis
Center will hold meetings during the New Year holidays to make a final 



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