FW: Possibility of DST in Kuwait starting from April 2007

Olson, Arthur David (NIH/NCI) [E] olsona at dc37a.nci.nih.gov
Mon Mar 26 13:38:51 UTC 2007

I'm forwarding this message from Alex Krivenyshev, who is not on the time zone mailing list (at least not at the address shown below). Those of you who are on the time zone mailing list should direct replies appropriately.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Krivenyshev, WorldTimeZone.com [mailto:info at worldtimezone.com] 
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 9:20 AM
To: tz at lecserver.nci.nih.gov
Subject: Possibility of DST in Kuwait starting from April 2007

Media reports about implementing DST in Kuwait starting from April 2007 until 
the end of Sept 2007:



Civil Service nod to daylight savings time 

KUWAIT CITY: The Civil Service Commission (CSC) has approved a proposal 
forwarded by MP Ahmad Baqer on implementing the daylight saving time (DST) in 
Kuwait starting from April until the end of Sept this year, reports Al-Anba.

The CSC pointed out the system was enforced successfully in several countries 
around the world including England, France, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. 

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