El Salvador

Rodrigo Severo rodrigo at fabricadeideias.com
Wed Sep 26 18:49:06 UTC 2007

This is definitely a FAQ. Is there a page with tz FAQ?

Rules define change in the local time. Local time doesn't ends. :)

The year 1988 is the last year that there is any change. The last change
mentioned - switch to local time + 0:00 in the last Sun of september -
defines the time indefinitely.

Rodrigo Severo

On 9/26/07, Bobby Rullo <br at osafoundation.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have written a timezone library (including a parser) in JavaScript
> and am running into a bit of confusion with this particular Zone and
> Rule:
> #
> Rule  NAME    FROM    TO      TYPE    IN      ON      AT      SAVE    LETTER/S
> Rule    Salv    1987    1988    -       May     Sun>=1  0:00    1:00    D
> Rule    Salv    1987    1988    -       Sep     lastSun 0:00    0       S
> # There are too many San Salvadors elsewhere, so use America/El_Salvador
> # instead of America/San_Salvador.
> # Zone  NAME            GMTOFF  RULES   FORMAT  [UNTIL]
> Zone America/El_Salvador -5:56:48 -     LMT     1921            # San
> Salvador
>                         -6:00   Salv    C%sT
> My question is, what is the applicable Rule for any date after 1988?
> The last "Salv" Rule ends in 1988, and the Zone states that Salv is
> the Rule from 1921 on (no UNTIL specified)
> I've done a "man zic" hoping to see something like "If there is no
> applicable Rule, just use the basic offset and assume that the LETTER
> is 'S'", but I could not find anything like that. Is that the correct
> behavior?
> Thanks
> Bobby

Rodrigo Severo

Fábrica de Idéias
SBS Quadra 2 - Bloco S - Ed. Empire Center - Sala 1.301
Brasília - DF - CEP 70070-904
Tel. (61) 3321-1357       Fax (61) 3223-1712
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