Difference between "s" and "u"

Christian Sakowski christian at christiansakowski.de
Tue Aug 5 18:28:11 UTC 2008


What is the difference between 1:00u and 1:00s?

Can anyone explain than? Is any documentation available?

# Rule    NAME    FROM    TO    TYPE    IN    ON    AT    SAVE    LETTER/S
Rule    EU    1977    1980    -    Apr    Sun>=1     1:00u    1:00    S

# W-Eur differs from EU only in that W-Eur uses standard time.
Rule    W-Eur    1977    1980    -    Apr    Sun>=1     1:00s    1:00    S


Christian Sakowski
christian at christiansakowski.de
iChat/AIM: SakowskiF

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