Updated proposed changes
Arthur David Olson
olsona at lecserver.nci.nih.gov
Tue Mar 18 17:05:07 UTC 2008
Given Monday's mail about Syria, here are revised proposed changes to
time zone files; these changes are relative to tzdata2008a.tar.gz.
* asia
* Iraq abandons DST
* Syria switched (from 2008 forward) to
start DST at the start of the first Friday in April and
end DST at the start of October 1.
* "Saigon" zone renamed "Ho_Chi_Minh"
* backward
* backward link from "Ho_Chi_Minh" to "Saigon"
* northamerica
* Change Cuba (from 2008 forward) to
start DST the third Sunday in March.
* southamerica
* Add America/Argentina/San_Luis information.
* zone.tab
* Entry added for America/Argentina/San_Luis
* Asia/Saigon entry renamed Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh
I hope to make tzdata2008b.tar.gz available 2008-03-24.
------- asia -------
*** /tmp/geta5675 Tue Mar 18 12:50:56 2008
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*** 1,4 ****
! # @(#)asia 8.14
# <pre>
# This data is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
--- 1,4 ----
! # @(#)asia 8.17
# <pre>
# This data is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
*** 660,665 ****
--- 660,680 ----
# So we'll ignore the Economist's claim.
+ # From Steffen Thorsen (2008-03-10):
+ # The cabinet in Iraq abolished DST last week, according to the following
+ # news sources (in Arabic):
+ # <a href="http://www.aljeeran.net/wesima_articles/news-20080305-98602.html">
+ # http://www.aljeeran.net/wesima_articles/news-20080305-98602.html
+ # </a>
+ # <a href="http://www.aswataliraq.info/look/article.tpl?id=2047&IdLanguage=17&IdPublication=4&NrArticle=71743&NrIssue=1&NrSection=10">
+ # http://www.aswataliraq.info/look/article.tpl?id=2047&IdLanguage=17&IdPublication=4&NrArticle=71743&NrIssue=1&NrSection=10
+ # </a>
+ #
+ # We have published a short article in English about the change:
+ # <a href="http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/iraq-dumps-daylight-saving.html">
+ # http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/iraq-dumps-daylight-saving.html
+ # </a>
Rule Iraq 1982 only - May 1 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Iraq 1982 1984 - Oct 1 0:00 0 S
*** 670,677 ****
# IATA SSIM (1991/1996) says Apr 1 12:01am UTC; guess the `:01' is a typo.
# Shanks & Pottenger say Iraq did not observe DST 1992/1997; ignore this.
! Rule Iraq 1991 max - Apr 1 3:00s 1:00 D
! Rule Iraq 1991 max - Oct 1 3:00s 0 S
Zone Asia/Baghdad 2:57:40 - LMT 1890
2:57:36 - BMT 1918 # Baghdad Mean Time?
--- 685,692 ----
# IATA SSIM (1991/1996) says Apr 1 12:01am UTC; guess the `:01' is a typo.
# Shanks & Pottenger say Iraq did not observe DST 1992/1997; ignore this.
! Rule Iraq 1991 2007 - Apr 1 3:00s 1:00 D
! Rule Iraq 1991 2007 - Oct 1 3:00s 0 S
Zone Asia/Baghdad 2:57:40 - LMT 1890
2:57:36 - BMT 1918 # Baghdad Mean Time?
*** 1777,1785 ****
# From Paul Eggert (2007-03-29):
# Today the AP reported "Syria will switch to summertime at midnight Thursday."
# http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/03/29/africa/ME-GEN-Syria-Time-Change.php
! # For lack of better info, assume the rule changed to "last Friday in March"
! # this year.
! Rule Syria 2007 max - Mar lastFri 0:00 1:00 S
# From Jesper Norgard (2007-10-27):
# The sister center ICARDA of my work CIMMYT is confirming that Syria DST will
# not take place 1.st November at 0:00 o'clock but 1.st November at 24:00 or
--- 1792,1798 ----
# From Paul Eggert (2007-03-29):
# Today the AP reported "Syria will switch to summertime at midnight Thursday."
# http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/03/29/africa/ME-GEN-Syria-Time-Change.php
! Rule Syria 2007 only - Mar lastFri 0:00 1:00 S
# From Jesper Norgard (2007-10-27):
# The sister center ICARDA of my work CIMMYT is confirming that Syria DST will
# not take place 1.st November at 0:00 o'clock but 1.st November at 24:00 or
*** 1801,1810 ****
# Council of Ministers also approved the commencement of work on
# identifying the winter time as of Friday, 2/11/2007 where the 60th
# minute delay at midnight Thursday 1/11/2007.
! #
! # From Arthur David Olson (2007-10-30):
! # My best guess for the future is first Friday in November.
! Rule Syria 2007 max - Nov Fri>=1 0:00 0 -
Zone Asia/Damascus 2:25:12 - LMT 1920 # Dimashq
2:00 Syria EE%sT
--- 1814,1853 ----
# Council of Ministers also approved the commencement of work on
# identifying the winter time as of Friday, 2/11/2007 where the 60th
# minute delay at midnight Thursday 1/11/2007.
! Rule Syria 2007 only - Nov Fri>=1 0:00 0 -
! # From Stephen Colebourne (2008-03-17):
! # For everyone's info, I saw an IATA time zone change for [Syria] for
! # this month (March 2008) in the last day or so...This is the data IATA
! # are now using:
! # Country Time Standard --- DST Start --- --- DST End --- DST
! # Name Zone Variation Time Date Time Date
! # Variation
! # Syrian Arab
! # Republic SY +0200 2200 03APR08 2100 30SEP08 +0300
! # 2200 02APR09 2100 30SEP09 +0300
! # 2200 01APR10 2100 30SEP10 +0300
! # From Arthur David Olson (2008-03-17):
! # Here's a link to English-language coverage by the Syrian Arab News
! # Agency (SANA)...
! # <a href="http://www.sana.sy/eng/21/2008/03/11/165173.htm">
! # http://www.sana.sy/eng/21/2008/03/11/165173.htm
! # </a>...which reads (in part) "The Cabinet approved the suggestion of the
! # Ministry of Electricity to begin daylight savings time on Friday April
! # 4th, advancing clocks one hour ahead on midnight of Thursday April 3rd."
! # Since Syria is two hours east of UTC, the 2200 and 2100 transition times
! # shown above match up with midnight in Syria.
! # From Arthur David Olson (2008-03-18):
! # My buest guess at a Syrian rule is "the Friday nearest April 1";
! # coding that involves either using a "Mar Fri>=29" construct that old time zone
! # compilers can't handle or having multiple Rules (a la Israel).
! # For now, use "Apr Fri>=1", and go with IATA on a uniform Sep 30 end.
! Rule Syria 2008 max - Apr Fri>=1 0:00 1:00 S
! Rule Syria 2008 max - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
Zone Asia/Damascus 2:25:12 - LMT 1920 # Dimashq
2:00 Syria EE%sT
*** 1858,1870 ****
# Vietnam
! # From Paul Eggert (1993-11-18):
! # Saigon's official name is Thanh-Pho Ho Chi Minh, but it's too long.
! # We'll stick with the traditional name for now.
# From Shanks & Pottenger:
! Zone Asia/Saigon 7:06:40 - LMT 1906 Jun 9
7:06:20 - SMT 1911 Mar 11 0:01 # Saigon MT?
7:00 - ICT 1912 May
8:00 - ICT 1931 May
--- 1901,1913 ----
# Vietnam
! # From Arthur David Olson (2008-03-18):
! # The English-language name of Vietnam's most populous city is "Ho Chi Min City";
! # we use Ho_Chi_Minh below to avoid a name of more than 14 characters.
# From Shanks & Pottenger:
! Zone Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 7:06:40 - LMT 1906 Jun 9
7:06:20 - SMT 1911 Mar 11 0:01 # Saigon MT?
7:00 - ICT 1912 May
8:00 - ICT 1931 May
------- backward -------
*** /tmp/geta5694 Tue Mar 18 12:50:57 2008
--- /tmp/getb5694 Tue Mar 18 12:50:57 2008
*** 1,4 ****
! # @(#)backward 8.4
# This file provides links between current names for time zones
# and their old names. Many names changed in late 1993.
--- 1,4 ----
! # @(#)backward 8.5
# This file provides links between current names for time zones
# and their old names. Many names changed in late 1993.
*** 26,31 ****
--- 26,32 ----
Link Asia/Dhaka Asia/Dacca
Link Asia/Macau Asia/Macao
Link Asia/Jerusalem Asia/Tel_Aviv
+ Link Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh Asia/Saigon
Link Asia/Thimphu Asia/Thimbu
Link Asia/Makassar Asia/Ujung_Pandang
Link Asia/Ulaanbaatar Asia/Ulan_Bator
------- northamerica -------
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--- /tmp/getb5713 Tue Mar 18 12:50:57 2008
*** 1,4 ****
! # @(#)northamerica 8.20
# <pre>
# also includes Central America and the Caribbean
--- 1,4 ----
! # @(#)northamerica 8.23
# <pre>
# also includes Central America and the Caribbean
*** 2205,2210 ****
--- 2205,2256 ----
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_cuba03.html
+ # From Arthur David Olson (2008-03-09):
+ # I'm in Maryland which is now observing United States Eastern Daylight
+ # Time. At 9:44 local time I used RealPlayer to listen to
+ # <a href="http://media.enet.cu/radioreloj">
+ # http://media.enet.cu/radioreloj
+ # </a>, a Cuban information station, and heard
+ # the time announced as "ocho cuarenta y cuatro" ("eight forty-four"),
+ # indicating that Cuba is still on standard time.
+ # From Steffen Thorsen (2008-03-12):
+ # It seems that Cuba will start DST on Sunday, 2007-03-16...
+ # It was announced yesterday, according to this source (in Spanish):
+ # <a href="http://www.nnc.cubaweb.cu/marzo-2008/cien-1-11-3-08.htm">
+ # http://www.nnc.cubaweb.cu/marzo-2008/cien-1-11-3-08.htm
+ # </a>
+ #
+ # Some more background information is posted here:
+ # <a href="http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/cuba-starts-dst-march-16.html">
+ # http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/cuba-starts-dst-march-16.html
+ # </a>
+ #
+ # The article also says that Cuba has been observing DST since 1963,
+ # while Shanks (and tzdata) has 1965 as the first date (except in the
+ # 1940's). Many other web pages in Cuba also claim that it has been
+ # observed since 1963, but with the exception of 1970 - an exception
+ # which is not present in tzdata/Shanks. So there is a chance we need to
+ # change some historic records as well.
+ #
+ # One example:
+ # <a href="http://www.radiohc.cu/espanol/noticias/mar07/11mar/hor.htm">
+ # http://www.radiohc.cu/espanol/noticias/mar07/11mar/hor.htm
+ # </a>
+ # From Jesper Norgaard Welen (2008-03-13):
+ # The Cuban time change has just been confirmed on the most authoritative
+ # web site, the Granma. Please check out
+ # <a href="http://www.granma.cubaweb.cu/2008/03/13/nacional/artic10.html">
+ # http://www.granma.cubaweb.cu/2008/03/13/nacional/artic10.html
+ # </a>
+ #
+ # Basically as expected after Steffen Thorsens information, the change
+ # will take place midnight between Saturday and Sunday.
+ # From Arthur David Olson (2008-03-12):
+ # Assume Sun>=15 (third Sunday) going forward.
Rule Cuba 1928 only - Jun 10 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Cuba 1928 only - Oct 10 0:00 0 S
*** 2236,2242 ****
Rule Cuba 1998 2003 - Oct lastSun 0:00s 0 S
Rule Cuba 2000 2006 - Apr Sun>=1 0:00s 1:00 D
Rule Cuba 2006 max - Oct lastSun 0:00s 0 S
! Rule Cuba 2007 max - Mar Sun>=8 0:00s 1:00 D
Zone America/Havana -5:29:28 - LMT 1890
--- 2282,2289 ----
Rule Cuba 1998 2003 - Oct lastSun 0:00s 0 S
Rule Cuba 2000 2006 - Apr Sun>=1 0:00s 1:00 D
Rule Cuba 2006 max - Oct lastSun 0:00s 0 S
! Rule Cuba 2007 only - Mar Sun>=8 0:00s 1:00 D
! Rule Cuba 2008 max - Mar Sun>=15 0:00s 1:00 D
Zone America/Havana -5:29:28 - LMT 1890
------- southamerica -------
*** /tmp/geta5732 Tue Mar 18 12:50:58 2008
--- /tmp/getb5732 Tue Mar 18 12:50:58 2008
*** 1,4 ****
! # @(#)southamerica 8.18
# <pre>
# This data is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
--- 1,4 ----
! # @(#)southamerica 8.19
# <pre>
# This data is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
*** 228,233 ****
--- 228,303 ----
# http://www.sanjuan.gov.ar/prensa/archivo/000426.html
# http://www.sanjuan.gov.ar/prensa/archivo/000441.html
+ # From Alex Krivenyshev (2008-01-17):
+ # Here are articles that Argentina Province San Luis is planning to end DST
+ # as earlier as upcoming Monday January 21, 2008 or February 2008:
+ #
+ # Provincia argentina retrasa reloj y marca diferencia con resto del pais
+ # (Argentine Province delayed clock and mark difference with the rest of the
+ # country)
+ # <a href="http://cl.invertia.com/noticias/noticia.aspx?idNoticia=200801171849_EFE_ET4373&idtel">
+ # http://cl.invertia.com/noticias/noticia.aspx?idNoticia=200801171849_EFE_ET4373&idtel
+ # </a>
+ #
+ # Es inminente que en San Luis atrasen una hora los relojes
+ # (It is imminent in San Luis clocks one hour delay)
+ # <a href="http://www.lagaceta.com.ar/vernotae.asp?id_nota=253414">
+ # http://www.lagaceta.com.ar/vernotae.asp?id_nota=253414
+ # </a>
+ #
+ # <a href="http://www.worldtimezone.net/dst_news/dst_news_argentina02.html">
+ # http://www.worldtimezone.net/dst_news/dst_news_argentina02.html
+ # </a>
+ # From Jesper Norgaard Welen (2008-01-18):
+ # The page of the San Luis provincial government
+ # <a href="http://www.sanluis.gov.ar/notas.asp?idCanal=0&id=22812">
+ # http://www.sanluis.gov.ar/notas.asp?idCanal=0&id=22812
+ # </a>
+ # confirms what Alex Krivenyshev has earlier sent to the tz
+ # emailing list about that San Luis plans to return to standard
+ # time much earlier than the rest of the country. It also
+ # confirms that upon request the provinces San Juan and Mendoza
+ # refused to follow San Luis in this change.
+ #
+ # The change is supposed to take place Monday the 21.st at 0:00
+ # hours. As far as I understand it if this goes ahead, we need
+ # a new timezone for San Luis (although there are also documented
+ # independent changes in the southamerica file of San Luis in
+ # 1990 and 1991 which has not been confirmed).
+ # From Jesper Norgaard Welen (2008-01-25):
+ # Unfortunately the below page has become defunct, about the San Luis
+ # time change. Perhaps because it now is part of a group of pages "Most
+ # important pages of 2008."
+ #
+ # You can use
+ # <a href="http://www.sanluis.gov.ar/notas.asp?idCanal=8141&id=22834">
+ # http://www.sanluis.gov.ar/notas.asp?idCanal=8141&id=22834
+ # </a>
+ # instead it seems. Or use "Buscador" from the main page of the San Luis
+ # government, and fill in "huso" and click OK, and you will get 3 pages
+ # from which the first one is identical to the above.
+ # From Mariano Absatz (2008-01-28):
+ # I can confirm that the Province of San Luis (and so far only that
+ # province) decided to go back to UTC-3 effective midnight Jan 20th 2008
+ # (that is, Monday 21st at 0:00 is the time the clocks were delayed back
+ # 1 hour), and they intend to keep UTC-3 as their timezone all year round
+ # (that is, unless they change their mind any minute now).
+ #
+ # So we'll have to add yet another city to 'southamerica' (I think San
+ # Luis city is the mos populated city in the Province, so it'd be
+ # America/Argentina/San_Luis... of course I can't remember if San Luis's
+ # history of particular changes goes along with Mendoza or San Juan :-(
+ # (I only remember not being able to collect hard facts about San Luis
+ # back in 2004, when these provinces changed to UTC-4 for a few days, I
+ # mailed them personally and never got an answer).
+ # From Arthur David Olson (2008-03-15):
+ # Until there's better information, asssume San Luis was like San Juan
+ # rather than Mendoza (since San Juan has a simpler DST history).
# Unless otherwise specified, data are from Shanks & Pottenger through 1992,
# from the IATA otherwise. As noted below, Shanks & Pottenger say that
# America/Cordoba split into 6 subregions during 1991/1992, but we
*** 350,355 ****
--- 420,439 ----
-4:00 - WART 2004 Sep 26
-3:00 Arg AR%sT
+ # San Luis (SL)
+ Zone America/Argentina/San_Luis -4:25:24 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
+ -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May
+ -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
+ -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Mar 1
+ -4:00 - WART 1991 May 7
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
+ -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
+ -3:00 - ART 2004 May 31
+ -4:00 - WART 2004 Jul 25
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 2008 Jan 21
+ -3:00 - ART
+ #
# Santa Cruz (SC)
Zone America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos -4:36:52 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
-4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May # Cordoba Mean Time
------- zone.tab -------
*** /tmp/geta5751 Tue Mar 18 12:50:58 2008
--- /tmp/getb5751 Tue Mar 18 12:50:58 2008
*** 1,4 ****
! # @(#)zone.tab 8.13
# TZ zone descriptions
--- 1,4 ----
! # @(#)zone.tab 8.15
# TZ zone descriptions
*** 42,48 ****
AQ -6640+14001 Antarctica/DumontDUrville Dumont-d'Urville Station, Terre Adelie
AQ -690022+0393524 Antarctica/Syowa Syowa Station, E Ongul I
AR -3436-05827 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires Buenos Aires (BA, CF)
! AR -3124-06411 America/Argentina/Cordoba most locations (CB, CC, CN, ER, FM, LP, MN, NQ, RN, SA, SE, SF, SL)
AR -2411-06518 America/Argentina/Jujuy Jujuy (JY)
AR -2649-06513 America/Argentina/Tucuman Tucuman (TM)
AR -2828-06547 America/Argentina/Catamarca Catamarca (CT), Chubut (CH)
--- 42,49 ----
AQ -6640+14001 Antarctica/DumontDUrville Dumont-d'Urville Station, Terre Adelie
AQ -690022+0393524 Antarctica/Syowa Syowa Station, E Ongul I
AR -3436-05827 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires Buenos Aires (BA, CF)
! AR -3124-06411 America/Argentina/Cordoba most locations (CB, CC, CN, ER, FM, LP, MN, NQ, RN, SA, SE, SF)
! AR -3319-06621 America/Argentina/San_Luis San Luis (SL)
AR -2411-06518 America/Argentina/Jujuy Jujuy (JY)
AR -2649-06513 America/Argentina/Tucuman Tucuman (TM)
AR -2828-06547 America/Argentina/Catamarca Catamarca (CT), Chubut (CH)
*** 411,417 ****
VE +1030-06656 America/Caracas
VG +1827-06437 America/Tortola
VI +1821-06456 America/St_Thomas
! VN +1045+10640 Asia/Saigon
VU -1740+16825 Pacific/Efate
WF -1318-17610 Pacific/Wallis
WS -1350-17144 Pacific/Apia
--- 412,418 ----
VE +1030-06656 America/Caracas
VG +1827-06437 America/Tortola
VI +1821-06456 America/St_Thomas
! VN +1045+10640 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh
VU -1740+16825 Pacific/Efate
WF -1318-17610 Pacific/Wallis
WS -1350-17144 Pacific/Apia
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