Links in the Olson database

Halász Sándor Viktor hsv at
Tue May 20 15:45:57 UTC 2008

This is not about clocksetting-zone information.

I wrote a JScript script for turning all the links into an HTML page, and
found fault with a handful of the actual anchors and for myself made these
changes, maybe of interest if another does the same:

diff -b ../austra~1 ./austra~1
< # <a hef="">
> # <a href="">
< # According to <a href=">
> # According to <a href="">
diff -b ../europe ./europe
< # <a href=""
> # <a href="">
< # says that Bersarin issued an order to use Moscow time on May 20.
> # says that Bersarin issued an order to use Moscow time on May 20.</a>
diff -b ../southa~1 ./southa~1
< # <a href=""></a>
> # <a href="">4,399</a>
< # <a href=""></a>
> # <a href="">4,844</a>
< # <a href=""></a>
> # <a href="">5,223</a>

Of course, many of the webpages have evaporated.

(The script is really not good enough, for it misses those pages listed by
themselvs after 'From Joseph S. Myers', and keeps only text right around
the link. It seems to me not worth the while to
make it turn all of the files into a webpage.)

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