FW: Incorrect time zone abbreviations for Indonesia
Olson, Arthur David (NIH/NCI) [E]
olsona at dc37a.nci.nih.gov
Thu Nov 20 17:28:09 UTC 2008
I'm forwarding this message from Jason Grimes, who is not on the time
zone mailing list. Those of you who are on the list, please direct
replies appropriately.
Note that time zone abbreviations are consistently abbreviations of the
English-language names of time zones.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Grimes [mailto:jg at proz.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 12:23
To: tz at lecserver.nci.nih.gov
Cc: Jason Grimes
Subject: Incorrect time zone abbreviations for Indonesia
Dear time zone data maintainers,
I'm a developer at ProZ.com, a website for human language translators.
One of our users has reported that the time zone names for the time
zones in Indonesia, specifically Asia/Jakarta, Asia/Pontianak,
Asia/Makassar, and Asia/Jayapura, are incorrect in the current time zone
According to her, and to the following references, it appears that these
time zone abbreviations should be updated as follows:
ID offset current new
Asia/Jakarta UTC+7 WIT WIB (Waktu Indonesia Barat)
Asia/Pontianak UTC+7 WIT WIB (Waktu Indonesia Barat)
Asia/Makassar UTC+8 CIT WITA (Waktu Indonesia Tengah)
Asia/Jayapura UTC+9 EIT WIT (Waktu Indonesia Timur)
I noticed a similar bug report from 2005 but I was unable to find any
I hope this gives enough information to update these time zone names.
Thanks to all of you who help to maintain this valuable resource.
Best regards,
Jason Grimes
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