Olson Timezone Database does not have Australian daylight timezones
Burns, Jamie BGI SYD
Jamie.Burns at barclaysglobal.com
Wed Oct 22 05:43:22 UTC 2008
I have 2 change requests for the Olson Timezone Database
I noticed today that the Olson Timezone Database has incorrect timezones
Australia. I noticed this in an application running on Sun's Java VM.
Sun's Java VM uses the Olson Timezone Database as its timezone
The application returned the correct time but appended the incorrect
timezone. The application returned
"22 Oct 2008 at 15:54 EST"
The application should have returned
"22 Oct 2008 at 15:54 AEDT"
Could the Australian timezones in the Olson Timezone Database be
corrected to report daylight timezones during periods of daylight
Further to this, the Australian timezone names in the Olson Timezone
Database are not at all consistent with the timezone names published by
the Australian government. The Australian government has a complete list
of Australian timezones at http://www.australia.gov.au/Time.
Could the Australian timezones in the Olson Timezone Database be updated
to the timezones published by the Australian government.
Jamie Burns
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