FW: list

Mariano Absatz - El Baby baby at baby.com.ar
Fri Oct 24 13:18:38 UTC 2008

Olson, Arthur David (NIH/NCI) [E] escribió el 23/10/08 12:20:
> I am trying to find a world list of Time Zones by Zip Codes  and/or Area Code(and their respective foreign number) in sometype of downloadable format (CSV, XML, Excel, etc).  
> Example:
> USA    33647    -6:00 GST
> USA    95400    -9:00 GST
> Europe    xxxxx    -x:xx GST
> Africa    xxxxx    +x:00  GST
> Does something like this exist?  If so, do you have a copy available for download?  If not, do you know where I can get it.  Just trying to figure out a way to tie an address or phone number anywhere in the world to a time zone.
> Thank you very much for all of your assistance.
> Sincerely,
> Nathan Heaivilin
I don't think you can get this data from Argentina since not many people 
worries about timezones (only when there are political fights about 
using or not DST or adhering to one or another timezone)...

However, since I had already made a Province to Timezone mapping and the 
ZIP codes include the ISO-3166-2 Province Code, I added the ISO-3166-2 
code to my table (and also Gwillim Law's Hierarchical Administrative 
Subdivision Code, see http://statoids.com/ihasc.html).

The table is at 
it'll be valid when tz2008i introduces the America/Argentina/Salta 
timezone (before that, the Provinces that have that code were in the 
America/Argentina/Cordoba timezone).

The ZIP Codes in Argentina are called CPA (Código Postal Argentino) and 
are of the form

IDDDDLLL (see http://www.correoargentino.com.ar/consulta_cpa/home.php)

I is the ISO-3166-2 code.
DDDD are 4 digits (starting at 1000, have the same value as the older 
-pre 1998- ZIP Codes)
LLL are 3 letters that identify the side of a block.

The only thing you need to identify the timezone is the first character 
"I" which can be any English alphabet letter except the "I" or "O" 
(there are 23 Provinces plus the Federal "Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos 
Aires", historically called "Capital Federal").


Mariano Absatz - "El Baby"
baby at baby.com.ar

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