Xinjiang Time

Luther Ma ma.lude.xj at
Sun Nov 1 03:21:34 UTC 2009

Below are a few web sites to lend some credence to the existence and  
use Xinjiang Time (aka Urumqi Time).

The Chinese language Wikipedia entry for Beijing Time (北京时间):北京时间 , which includes the line:

>  "...而在新疆民间,乌鲁木齐时间(UTC+6)较为普及。"
> ->
> ".. and furthermore, among Xinjiang ethicities, Urumqi time (UTC+6)  
> is more popular"

Wikipedia, of course is not authoritative but does provide a  
condensation of various contributions on a topic.

Hudong is China's own version of Wikipedia. It actually competes  
favorably with Wikipedia in country, and, at the same time avoids  
politically sensitive topics. They have their own entry for Urumqi  
Time (乌鲁木齐时间):乌鲁木齐时间

> 新疆维吾尔自治区由于地处中国最西边,与北京等中 
> 东部地区时差2小时,使用地方时间(乌鲁木齐时 
> 间)。乌鲁木齐时间比北京时间晚2小时,即乌鲁木齐 
> 时间10时相当于北京时间12时。所以新疆自治区政府机 
> 关作息时间与内地有较大区别。
> ->
> Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, being situated in China's far  
> west uses local time (Urumqi time), two hours different from Beijing  
> and other places in the central and eastern regions. Urumqi time is  
> two hours later than Beijing time, namely 10 o'clock Urumqi time is  
> equivalent to 12 Beijing time. Therefore the daily schedules for  
> Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region government agencies differ greatly  
> from those in the heartland.

The website "" also has a couple pages for Urumqi Time:  (in Chinese) (in English)

As I mentioned in my original post, all of China uses Beijing Time and  
almost all Han (ethnic Chinese) set their watches to Beijing (also  
those living in Xinjiang). But there is also a recognized, valid  
Urumqi Time used in Xinjiang, and especially by the Uyghur population.  
"Urumqi Time" is the official term but the term, "Xinjiang Time" is  
much more commonly used.

-LuDe (Luther) Ma

PS If you are using online translators for these and other sites, 
  may give you a better results than Google translator.

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