Please stop the change to Argentina's summer time.

Margarita Manterola margamanterola at
Fri Oct 16 13:30:01 UTC 2009

It looks like it's almost certain that no change will take place on Sunday:
"El Gobierno suspende el cambio de hora" -> Government postpones the
time change.
"El domingo no cambiará la hora oficial, el gobierno nacional dio
marcha atrás" -> the time won't change on Sunday, national government
has changed its mind.

And several others like that.  I'm really sorry for living in such a
stupid country that can't take decisions like these with more than 2
days of anticipation.  The worse thing is that the news say that they
might finally decide to implement it later on, and I'm sure it'll be
done with the same amount of time of anticipation :(.

I'm attaching a patch to fix it for now, until they decide to tell us
when the time will change, if it changes.

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