Buenos Aires Herald- Breaking News: Argentina Gov't confirms suspension of DST

Alexander Krivenyshev worldtimezone at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 16 14:53:31 UTC 2009

Mariano Absatz - El Baby <baby <at> baby.com.ar> writes:

> Hi,
> Margarita is not on the tz mailing list and she asked me to forward this 
> to you.... if you want replies to reach her, don't forget to add her 
> address to the Cc:
> As this paper news (http://www.lanacion.com.ar/nota.asp?nota_id=1187055 
> <http://www.lanacion.com.ar/nota.asp?nota_id=1187055>) that Arnaldo just 
> sent to the list, confirms, there will be no DST change in Argentina 
> this weekend (although the Decree wasn't published in time).
> I checked Margarita's patch and it seems OK to me (for what I read last 
> year, she works with the Debian people helping them maintain the tzdata 
> package at least in stuff related to Argentina).
> Regards.

Buenos Aires Herald- Breaking News
Gov't confirms suspension of daylight saving scheme

The decision was announced by Planning Minister Julio de Vido during a radio 
interview. "We have suspended the measure for the moment," De Vido told 
reporters. The minister said he was confident that the higher demand for 
electricity would be satisfied thanks to recent investments to increase 
production at power plants.

Alexander Krivenyshev (World Time Zone)

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