Syria end of DST error in tz

Thomas Nash nash at
Sat Oct 31 19:17:21 UTC 2009

Syria went to winter time this year at Midnight Thursday night  
(October 29-30) **not** Saturday night Oct 31-Nov1 as the tz data base  
presently indicates.

We were in Damascus and had a flight on Friday morning -- so we had to  
get this right. Emirate airlines appeared to know about this at least  
several months in advance as they had adjusted their flight schedules  
for this date when we bought tickets in June.

Probably the reason for this change is that Friday is the day off,  
equivalent of our Sunday in Islamic countries. This may become common  
in other Islamic countries.

Regards from Ajman in the UAE...

Tom Nash

Thomas Nash                             home:     +1 415 826 0165
4014 21st Street                         cell:         +1 415 559 0718
San Francisco, CA 94114

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