Australia/Antarctica changes

Steffen Thorsen straen at
Wed Mar 10 13:47:45 UTC 2010

We got these changes from the Australian Antarctic Division:
- Macquarie Island will stay on UTC+11 for winter and therefore not 
switch back from daylight savings time when other parts of Australia do 
on 4 April.

- Casey station reverted to its normal time of UTC+8 on 5 March 2010. 
The change to UTC+11 is being considered as a regular summer thing but 
has not been decided yet.

- Davis station will revert to its normal time of UTC+7 at 10 March 2010 
20:00 UTC.

- Mawson station stays on UTC+5.

In addition to the Rule changes for Casey/Davis, it means that Macquarie 
will no longer be like Hobart and will have to have its own Zone created.


Best regards,
Steffen Thorsen -

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