Time change for Samara, Kamchatka, Chukotka are not confirmed yet

Steffen Thorsen straen at thorsen.priv.no
Mon Mar 22 14:12:42 UTC 2010

According to this article, Samara is also confirmed now:

1. Accept the proposal of the Samara Regional Duma and the Ministry of 
Industry and Trade, agreed with the interested federal executive bodies, 
on application in the territory of Samara region second time zone.

2. Start the application on the territory of Samara region second time 
zone from March 28, 2010 with 02 hours 00 minutes (at the time, acting 
in the Samara region).

http://www.rg.ru/2010/03/22/samara-chasy-dok.html (Russian)

Best regards,
Steffen Thorsen - timeanddate.com

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