Russian time zone issue reported

Gary Lasker gary.lasker at
Tue May 25 02:24:44 UTC 2010


I've been getting started maintaining tzdata for Ubuntu, and I wanted to
check in with the list regarding an issue reported by an Ubuntu user in
the following bug report (please refer to comment #16 posted by Guria:

The comment from Guria is as follows:

"Just looked at timezones more precisely. Unfortunately changes are
wrong. In changed tz's was set only summer time, but winter time stays
unchanged. This timezones doesn't exists already in fact. Europe/Samara
is now exactly equal Europe/Moscow, Asia/Kamchatka is Asia/Magadan.
Follow next link for details:
Also, please don't forget to provide this info to upstream or other

I'd appreciate it very much if somebody could review this statement to
determine what, if any, action may be required.

Thank you very much and please email me if there's anything further I
can provide.  I'll be following responses on-list.

Thanks again and best regards,
Gary Lasker

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