zic and zoneinfo.zip
rsahlot at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 1 12:11:49 UTC 2010
I got it reproduced with a small change. I will post a new thread for this to have a better subject line.
--- On Wed, 9/29/10, Paul Eggert <eggert at cs.ucla.edu> wrote:
> From: Paul Eggert <eggert at cs.ucla.edu>
> Subject: Re: zic and zoneinfo.zip
> To: "Ravindra" <rsahlot at yahoo.com>
> Cc: tz at elsie.nci.nih.gov
> Date: Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 11:59 AM
> On 09/28/2010 11:15 PM, Ravindra
> wrote:
> > That's my appln code. It validates a timezone by
> loading it. It calls
> > tzload() like below:
> Can you please send a complete, self-contained test case
> illustrating the bug? Snippets of code from an
> otherwise
> unpublished help are nice, but they typically aren't
> enough
> to reproduce the problem.
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