new and old Russia time zones map in relation to World Time Zones
Alexander Krivenyshev
worldtimezone at
Fri Apr 1 15:49:00 UTC 2011
Olson, Arthur David (NIH/NCI) [E] <olsona <at>> writes:
> With Irkutsk up in the air, I'll revert "asia", "europe", and "" for
tomorrow's update, leaving
> only the Chile, Morocco, and tz-link changes.
> --ado
> From: Tim Parenti [mailto:tim <at>]
> Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 2:57
> To: tz <at>
> Subject: Did Irkutsk NOT switch from IRKT to KRAST?
> I've been alerted to a couple reports that on 2011-03-22, the Russian
government decided NOT to allow the
> Irkutsk Oblast to transition from IRKT (UTC+8) to KRAST (UTC+7+1) on 2011-03-
27, and that instead
> Irkutsk transitioned to IRKST (UTC+8+1) under the existing Russian DST rules
and plans to stay there for
> the time being like the rest of the country. The articles are in Russian,
which I don't speak, but I've
> provided excerpted Google translations below. The reports follow:
> (2011-03-25)
> Irkutsk region remains in its time zone
> March 27 residents of the Irkutsk region with the rest of the Russians set
the clock forward one hour.
> Previously reported that the Angara will not translate clock to daylight
saving time and thereby reduce
> the difference with Moscow, with 5:00 to 4. Irkutsk officials have prepared
all necessary documents.
> However, an official decision on this has not been signed. In this case, the
matter has not withdrawn
> completely, but only postponed indefinitely.
> Irkutsk region is lost in time
> After that we asked for comments to the Legislative Assembly of Irkutsk
region Yuri Faleichik, who
> confirmed this information and added that it is the most painless for our
scheme to reduce the time
> difference with the capital from 5 to 4 hours.
> And suddenly, on Tuesday revealed that information on the transition to
Krasnoyarsk time was premature!
> The same Jury Faleichik told our newspaper:
> - The decision to move the Irkutsk region in the time zone of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory Government is not accepted.
> Our source in the regional government said that the decision "not to move to
Krasnoyarsk time" was made in
> connection with the upcoming elections.
> --
> Tim Parenti
Just to reconfirm, that all regions in Russia kept time zones unchanged
(plus DST). Irkutsk didnt't switched to Krasnoyarsk Time Zone.
Here are 4 maps with Russian Time Zones in relation to World Time Zones (for
example, Moscow Time Zone UTC+3 green color will be UTC+4 blue color during
winter time):
(in Russian).
I won't be surprised if there will be additional time adjustments in Russia by
winter 2011. Otherwise, for example, Kaliningrad Time zone UTC+3 will be the
only time zone in Europe (when DST ends in Europe on Oct 30, 2011) surrounded
by nearby regions (Poland UTC+1 and Lithuania UTC+2)...
Alexander Krivenyshev,
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