completed timezone history of Germany

Alois Treindl alois at
Tue Aug 30 14:40:48 UTC 2011

I have compiled a complete timezone history of Germany.
It defines 10 additional zones for parts of Germany which had a timezone 
history different from Europe/Berlin

Two of these zones refer to areas belonging to Poland since 1945.

The processing of the zone file with zic requires that zic is patched 
with the 'follow rule' patch I had submitted for review on 25 August.
-------------- next part --------------
# Timezone history of Germany
# compiled by Alois Treindl, August 2011
# assigned to the public domain

# processing this file with the zone info compiler zic requires that zic.c
# is patched with the 'follow rule' patch submitted on 2011 Aug 25.

# Sources: 
# Gabriel, Traite de l'heure dans le Monde, edition 1991
# Thomas G. Shanks and Rique Pottenger, The International Atlas (6th edition),
# San Diego: ACS Publications, Inc. (2003).
# Henri Le Corre, Regimes Horaires pour l'Eruope et l'Afrique, 1982
# various German astrological and astronomical publications.

# The tzdata file europe contains only one zone Europe/Berlin for all of Germany.
# It is not the best possible choice for several reasons:
# - Berlin started CET only in 1893, later than several southern states.
# - In 1947, Berlin followed double summertime, together with the Soviet zone
# of occupied Germany. The major part of Germany however, occupied by the
# western allies, did not follow double summer time in 1945.
# Below we use Europe/Munich as a reference zone, and follow rules which point
# to it in other zones. If DST rules for Germany should change after 2011, both
# Europe/Berlin and Europe/Munich need to be updated. The rest will follow
# automatically.

# Zone Europe/Berlin is good for the following German provinces:
# Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen, Berlin.
# This corresponds to the former German Democratic Republic (DDR) plus all of
# Berlin, i.e. East and West Berlin.

# German province Bavaria
# Munich meridian 11e33 from 1891 Mar 15 until 1892 Apr 1
# started CET on 1892 Apr 1, earlier than norther parts of Germany.
# This zone is used as master for other German history zones to follow.
Zone	Europe/Munich	0:46:12 -	LMT	1891 Mar 15 0:00
			0:46:12 -	MMT	1892 Apr 1  0:00
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1945 Sep 16 2:00
			1:00	Germany	CE%sT	1980
			1:00	EU	CE%sT

# The old province of Baden, which was combined to Baden-Wurttemberg in 1952
# Karlsruhe meridian 8e24 from 1891 Mar 15 until 1892 Apr 1
Zone	Europe/Mannheim 0:33:56 -	LMT	1891 Mar 15 0:00
			0:33:36 -	KMT	1892 Apr 1  0:00
			0	follow	Europe/Munich

# The old province of Wurttemberg, which was combined to Baden-Wurttemberg in 1952
# Stuttgart meridian 9e10 from 1891 Mar 15 until 1892 Apr 1
Zone	Europe/Stuttgart 0:36:40 -	LMT	1891 Mar 15 0:00
			0:36:40 -	SMT	1892 Apr 1  0:00
			0	follow	Europe/Munich

# The German provinces Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Niedersachsen,
# Schleswig-Holtsein and that part of Nordrhein-Westfalen which is east of the
# Rhine.
Zone	Europe/Frankfurt 0:34:40 -	LMT	1893 Apr
			0	follow	Europe/Munich

# The province of Rheinland-Pfalz, part which is west of the Rhine
# Ludwigshafen meridian 8e26 from 1891 Mar 15 until 1892 Apr 1
# Follows Paris time during French occupation Dec 1918 - Apr 1927
# Gabriel gives 1918 Dec 8 as start of French time, Shanks has 1919 Jan 1,
# follow Gabriel.
Zone	Europe/Ludwigshafen 0:33:44 -	LMT	1891 Mar 15 0:00
			0:33:44 -	LUT	1892 Apr 1  0:00
			1:00	-	CET	1893 Apr 1  0:00
			1:00    C-Eur	CE%sT	1918 Dec 12  23:00
			0:00	France	WE%sT	1927 Apr 9  23:00
			0	follow	Europe/Munich

# The province of Rheinland-Pfalz, part which is east of the Rhine
# Ludwigshafen meridian 8e26 from 1891 Mar 15 until 1892 Apr 1
# Gabriel writes it follows German time even during French occupation 1919 - 1927
Zone	Europe/Mainz	0:33:04 -	LMT	1891 Mar 15 0:00
			0:33:44 -	LUT	1892 Apr 1  0:00
			0	follow	Europe/Munich

# The province Nordrhein-Westfalen, part which is west of the Rhine.
# It followed Paris time during French occupation 1918 Dec 6 - 1927
Zone	Europe/Cologne 0:27:56 -	LMT	1893 Apr
			1:00    C-Eur	CE%sT	1918 Dec 6  23:00
			0:00	France	WE%sT	1927 Apr 9  23:00
			0	follow	Europe/Munich

# The province Saarland
# It had Paris time during French occupation 1918 - 1925,
# (sources: magazine Merdian 5/1987, p36 ff, Gabriel).
# During the French occupation, many birth registry office are said to have
# ignored the French time, so that an uncertainty remains.
# It followed French time also from Oct 1947, which by then was CET, so that
# it did not observe German DST in 1948 and 1949 (sources: book Lebendige Astrologie,
# Ulrike Voltmer, a local astrologer from Saarland, and Gabriel).
Zone	Europe/Saarbrucken 0:27:56 -	LMT	1893 Apr
			1:00    C-Eur	CE%sT	1918 Nov 11 23:00
			0:00	France	WE%sT	1925 Jan 31 23:00
			0	follow	Europe/Munich

# Part of Germany to the east of the Oder-Neisse line which became part of
# Poland in 1945. Once Poland history is completed, this zone will be replaced
# by a link to the corresponding Poland zone.
# The zone includes also the southern part of Ostpreussen (East Prussia).
# We let if follow Warsaw from 1945 Apr, so that DST begin in 1945 follows Poland.
Zone	Europe/Breslau	1:08:00 -	LMT	1893 Apr 1 0:00
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1945 Apr 
			0	follow	Europe/Warsaw

# The area of Danzig received a special status in 1918, was reintegrated
# into Germany during the German occupation of Poland in 1939, and went to Poland
# in 1945. Once Poland history is updated, will be place with Poland.
# It includes the towns	Danzig, Zoppot, Tiegenhof, Praust, Neuteich
# We use Danzig and not Polish Gdansk, because tzdata prescribe city names as
# commonly used in English language. 
# We let if follow Warsaw from 1945 Apr, so that DST begin in 1945 follows Poland.
Zone	Europe/Danzig	1:14:40 -	LMT	1893 Apr 1 0:00
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1918 Sep 16 3:00
			2:00	Poland	EE%sT	1922 Jun
			1:00	Poland	CE%sT	1940 Jun 23 2:00
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1945 Apr 
			0	follow	Europe/Warsaw

# The northern part of German province Ostpreussen (East Prussia) which
# became part of Russia in 1945.
Link Europe/Kaliningrad Europe/Konigsberg

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