[tz] Adding Asia/Beijing timezone into the database

yoshito_umaoka at us.ibm.com yoshito_umaoka at us.ibm.com
Fri Dec 9 19:05:16 UTC 2011

> Perhaps we should just assign UUIDs to the tz database entries; that
> should eliminate any complaints about the wrong name being chosen 
> for a database entry. :-)

A while ago, I found wikipedia article [
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tz_database] says - 

>Use in other standards
>CLDR uses UN/LOCODEs to identify regions.[24] This means all identifiers
>are referencing a country, something that the creators of the tz database
>wanted to avoid.

I'm actually the person who proposed this. But our (CLDR community) goal 
was just assigning unique ID to each "canonical" zone. (BTW, we need such 
unique IDs because of the BCP 47 subtag restriction.) If there is an 
established coding standard that can reasonably map most of zones 
uniquely, I thought I should utilize the standard. It's true that 
UN/LOCODES uses ISO country codes, but once it is captured into CLDR name 
space, it's nothing more than ID string. Even a city moves to another 
country, we'll never change the ID in CLDR.

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