[tz] Adding Asia/Beijing timezone into the database

JJS jjs.global at gmail.com
Sat Dec 10 06:44:00 UTC 2011

*unless I've missed something in this long thread, there has been (to my
knowledge) no mention made of Taiwan and cities thereof. Although it lies
in the time zone commonly known as CST (China Standard Time) Taiwan, for
all practical purposes, is distinct from other entities in the same time
zone, viz. Australia (Perth), China 中国, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore.
Without revisiting the respective positions of Beijing and Taipei regarding
what China calls its "one China policy" under which Taiwan is its 23rd
province, the practical realities of Taiwan, as well as its political,
monetary and other features, make it separate from China. And if the
demographic criterion determines the inclusion of a country and/or city in
the time zone list, Taiwan is the sixteenth most densely populated country
on earth, and Taipei's population registers above 2.6 million (2006 census).
*In light of the above, and simply as someone who often has to take
different time zones into account, I suggest that, for practical reasons,
Taiwan 臺灣  (or 台湾 <http://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E5%8F%B0%E6%B9%BE> in
simplified orthography) and at least the city of Taipei 臺北 (台北) be given
the same treatment as, say, Beijing 北京, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Perth, or
*Jean-Jacques Subrenat.*
2011/12/10 <lennox at cs.columbia.edu>

> On Friday, December 9 2011, "Guy Harris" wrote to "Daoming Qiu,
> tz at iana.org" saying:
> > Perhaps there should also be a database giving names to tz database
> entries for human use - to use your earlier example, "Beijing, Chongqing,
> HongKong, Urumuqi" for Asia/{whatever city is used}, although not all
> systems would choose the same scheme to describe the region covered by a
> database entry (Mac OS X has a large list of "nearest cities").
> That's what zone.tab is:
> CN      +3114+12128     Asia/Shanghai   east China - Beijing, Guangdong,
> Shanghai, etc.
> CN      +4545+12641     Asia/Harbin     Heilongjiang (except Mohe), Jilin
> CN      +2934+10635     Asia/Chongqing  central China - Sichuan, Yunnan,
> Guangxi, Shaanxi, Guizhou, etc.
> CN      +4348+08735     Asia/Urumqi     most of Tibet & Xinjiang
> CN      +3929+07559     Asia/Kashgar    west Tibet & Xinjiang
> The descriptions in zone.tab are what is intended to be presented to humans
> (and which should be translated by CLDR and the like); the TZID values are
> just labels.
> --
> Jonathan Lennox
> lennox at cs.columbia.edu
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