Europe/Kaliningrad in 2011h

yoshito_umaoka at yoshito_umaoka at
Mon Jun 27 16:32:14 UTC 2011

In 2011h, the GMT offset of Europe/Kaliningrad was changed from 2:00 to 
3:00 by the new Russian law.

Zone Europe/Kaliningrad  1:22:00 -      LMT     1893 Apr
                         1:00   C-Eur   CE%sT   1945
                         2:00   Poland  CE%sT   1946
                         3:00   Russia  MSK/MSD 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
                         2:00   Russia  EE%sT   2011 Mar 27 2:00s
                         3:00   -       EET

The format - "EET" is used above, which is now different from other "EET" 
(generated from "EE%sT") used by Eastern European zones. For example, 
"10:00 EET" in Europe/Bucharest after the daylight-standard transition in 
this fall is actually  "11:00 EET" in Europe/Kaliningrad.

I think this is confusing and should use more distinctive format.

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