[tz] LST

Jaakko Hyvätti jaakko.hyvatti at foreca.com
Sat Oct 15 03:20:58 UTC 2011

On Sat, 15 Oct 2011, Robert Elz wrote:
> That one is certainly a possibility, as are ZZZ (though that's ugly) and
> UNKNOWN (though that I think would actually be a misrepresentation).
> The LST suggestion came from an analogy with LMT, which is used for all
> (I think) zones in their pre standardised time days (Local Mean Time).
> The extension to Local Standard Time just seems appropriate to me.

LOC or LOCAL would be least confusing I think. Take a look at this:

$ TZ=LOC-3 date
Sat Oct 15 05:59:25 LOC 2011
$ TZ=LOCAL-3 date
Sat Oct 15 05:59:49 LOCAL 2011

Clean and clear, isn't it?

While everyone seems to love abbreviations, or TLA, I would like to skip 
it here to make the meaning of the string clear.  No need to make anyone 
wonder why he is using Latvian Summer Time like it was 1918 or something 


Foreca Ltd                                           Jaakko.Hyvatti at foreca.com
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