[tz] Samoa error in backward file

Timo Kähkönen timo at kahkonen.com
Sat Apr 7 17:11:06 UTC 2012


I downloaded the file
and noticed one error in a text file named "backward".

Backward file has two zones, which both link to Pacific/Pago_Pago.

These are the two rows:
Link	Pacific/Pago_Pago	Pacific/Samoa
Link	Pacific/Pago_Pago	US/Samoa

I'm not sure, but I assume that the record is wrong.

There are two countries:
1. Samoa (WS), which Capital is Apia. Timezone UTC+13, Summer Time UTC+14 (Note! The same offsets than in Pacific/Apia)

2. American Samoa (AS), whose capital is Pago Pago. Timezone Samoa Standard Time (SST), UTC-11 (Note! THe same offsets than in Pacific/Pago_Pago.

So, I assume that the rows should be:
Link	Pacific/Apia	Pacific/Samoa
Link	Pacific/Pago_Pago	US/Samoa

Please correct if I'm wrong.

Timo Kähkönen

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