[tz] impending changes to AusAQ [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Tim Parenti tim at timtimeonline.com
Tue Feb 21 20:17:45 UTC 2012


The current version of the database already has Casey and Davis on UTC+8
and UTC+7, respectively.  They had been changed to UTC+11 and UTC+5
temporarily between October 2009 and March 2010.  I'd imagine such a
temporary change is what happened this season as well, but I don't see any
record on the list archives of when this period began in the southern

Timeanddate.com lists these changes as having occurred on Friday 28 October
2011, with Casey going forward three
02:00 UTC+8 to 05:00 UTC+11 at 05:00 Hobart time (18:00 UTC Thursday),
and Davis going backward two
02:00 UTC+7 to 00:00 UTC+5 at 06:00 Hobart time (19:00 UTC Thursday).

Can you confirm that this is when these time zone shifts began for the
2011–2012 season, or perhaps provide other clarifying remarks?  Thanks.

Tim Parenti

On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 23:05, Michael Chinn <Michael.Chinn at aad.gov.au>wrote:

> With the finish of the fixed wing flying program in Antarctica and the
> shorter days now returning we will revert Casey and Davis to their winter
> time zones. ****
> ** **
> This means that tomorrow morning (22 Feb 2012) Casey will revert to UTC +8
> and Davis to UTC +7. ****
> ** **
> Casey will change at 0400 Hobart time (clocks back 3 hrs) and Davis will
> change at 0700 Hobart time (clocks forward 2 hrs) on Wednesday 22 February
> (Tomorrow).****
> ** **
> Best regards, Michael****
> ** **
> *Michael Chinn*
> IT Help Desk
> Australian Antarctic Division ****
> p: (03) 6232 3488
> e: michael.chinn at aad.gov.au****
> w: www.antarctica.gov.au****
> ** **
> [image: EmailSig (2)] <http://centenary.antarctica.gov.au/>****
> ** **
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