[tz] Chilean Government annuounced new date for leaving and entering DST in 2012
Glenn Eychaner
geychaner at lco.cl
Thu Feb 23 12:50:55 UTC 2012
On Feb 23, 2012, at 6:14 AM, tz-request at iana.org wrote:
Thanks for this information; I hadn't noticed any news about this yet. As the person who has handled this in the past couple of years, I will modify the Chile entry in the database as soon as possible (hopefully by the end of the day) and post a patch. The database maintainers are free to hold the patch out of the database until the change becomes official.
Note that according to item (4) in the posted notice, this is yet another "temporary" change that will be reevaluated AGAIN in 2013.
> Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 22:03:06 +0000
> From: Mauricio Parada <Mauricio.Parada at synopsys.com>
> Subject: [tz] Chilean Government annuounced new date for leaving and entering DST in 2012
> As stated in the website of the Chilean Energy Ministry (http://www.minenergia.cl/ministerio/noticias/generales/gobierno-anuncia-fechas-de-cambio-de.html), The Chilean Government has decided to postpone the entrance into winter time (to leave DST) from March 11 2012 to April 28th 2012. The decision has not been yet formalized but it will within the next days.
> Quote form the website communication:
> "The "winter time" will start on Saturday, April 28 2012, clocks must go back in 60 minutes, this is, at 23:59 and 59 seconds, instead of moving into 00:00 hours of March 29 2012, clocks must adjust to be 23:00 of the same day, March 28 2012.
> On Saturday , September 1st 2012, clocks must go forward in 60 minutes, this is, at 23:59 and 59 seconds, instead of moving into 00:00 hours of September 2nd 2012, clocks must adjust to be 01:00 of September 2nd 2012."
> What's the procedure to have an updated database before the old DST schedule of March 11 2012?
> Regards,
> Mauricio Parada
Glenn Eychaner (geychaner at lco.cl)
Telescope Systems Programmer, Las Campanas Observatory
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