[tz] Creston Falklands, Tokelau, Antarctica, Creston(Canada))

Alan Barrett apb at cequrux.com
Mon Feb 27 05:59:58 UTC 2012

On Mon, 27 Feb 2012, Robert Elz wrote:
>+# note#2:
>+# During WWII when the Federal Government legislated a mandatory clock change,
>+# Creston did not oblige.

The rules below seem to show Creston following the Canada DST 
rules from 1942 to 1945, but the comments above say that Creston did 
not change its clocks during this period.

>+Zone America/Creston	-7:46:04 -	LMT	1884
>+			-7:00	-	MST	1916 Oct 1
>+			-8:00	-	PST	1918 Jun 2
>+			-8:00	1:00	PDT	1918 Oct 27 2:00
>+			-7:00	-	MST	1942 Feb  9 2:00
>+			-8:00	Canada	P%sT	1945 Sep 30 2:00
>+			-7:00	-	MST

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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