[tz] Nagorno-Karabakh abolishing Daylight Saving Time

Steffen Thorsen thorsen at timeanddate.com
Wed Mar 28 11:43:46 UTC 2012

On 26.03.2012 16:07, Alexander Krivenyshev wrote:
> Steffen Thorsen<thorsen<at>  timeanddate.com>  writes:
>> On 24.03.2012 19:06, Alexander Krivenyshev wrote:
>>> According to news Nagorno-Karabakh (de facto independent republic, disputed
>>> between Armenia and Azerbaijan) is abolishing Daylight Saving Time.
>> We have unsuccessfully tried to find out if the new DST rule for
>> Nagorno-Karabakh already applies to 2012, or when it comes into effect.
>> Does anyone know more about this?
>> One hotel we called said that local time there was like UTC+5 (DST
>> applied) - so either they have not been informed correctly, or the law
>> is not applied yet.
> We have to wait and see for more info.
We have checked with the local government on the phone now, one of the 
Prime Minister's advisors confirms that they are currently on standard 
time, he confirmed the local time (which was like UTC+4) and that they 
will stay on that through the year. (So the hotel we called the other 
day were wrong about local time then).

The Government also lists it here:

So I guess a new Asia/Stepanakert zone is needed, based on Asia/Baku.

Best regards,
Steffen Thorsen - timeanddate.com

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