[tz] New zone for DE, split from Europe/Berlin

Arthur David Olson arthurdavidolson at gmail.com
Sat Mar 3 17:12:48 UTC 2012

Here's one possible way to reflect Busingen, Germany following Zurich
rather than Berlin in 1980.

Another possibility would be to add a...
    DE    +474149+084125    Europe/Busingen
...line to "zone.tab" and a...
    Link Europe/Zurich Europe/Busingen
...line in "europe"

The Link could be avoided by adding a...
    DE    +474149+084125    Europe/Zurich    Busingen
...line to "zone.tab" but that might confuse some readers
(and could break anything out in the wild that relies on the third fields
of "zone.tab" lines to be unique, as is true now).


diff -r -c before/europe after/europe
*** before/europe    2012-03-03 11:49:57.414792100 -0500
--- after/europe    2012-03-03 11:50:03.779603300 -0500
*** 1215,1220 ****
--- 1215,1237 ----
  # However, Moscow did not observe daylight saving in 1945, so
  # this was equivalent to CEMT (GMT+3), not GMT+4.

+ # From Tobias Conradi (2011-09-12):
+ # The German enclave of Büsingen (http://www.buesingen.de/),
+ # surrounded by the Swiss canton Schaffhausen,
+ # did not start observing DST in 1980 as the rest of DE
+ # (West Germany at that time) and DD (East Germany at that time) did.
+ # DD merged into DE, the area is currently covered by code DE in ISO
+ # which in turn is covered by the zone Europe/Berlin.
+ #
+ # Source for the time in Büsingen 1980:
+ # <a href="
+ #
+ # </a>
+ # From Arthur David Olson (2012-03-03):
+ # Büsingen and Zurich have shared clocks since 1970;
+ # we don't need a new zone.
+ # We do want to reflect Büsingen's status in zone.tab

  # Rule    NAME    FROM    TO    TYPE    IN    ON    AT    SAVE    LETTER/S
  Rule    Germany    1946    only    -    Apr    14    2:00s    1:00    S
diff -r -c before/zone.tab after/zone.tab
*** before/zone.tab    2012-03-03 11:50:00.971598300 -0500
--- after/zone.tab    2012-03-03 11:50:07.071209000 -0500
*** 141,147 ****
  CD    -1140+02728    Africa/Lubumbashi    east Dem. Rep. of Congo
  CF    +0422+01835    Africa/Bangui
  CG    -0416+01517    Africa/Brazzaville
! CH    +4723+00832    Europe/Zurich
  CI    +0519-00402    Africa/Abidjan
  CK    -2114-15946    Pacific/Rarotonga
  CL    -3327-07040    America/Santiago    most locations
--- 141,147 ----
  CD    -1140+02728    Africa/Lubumbashi    east Dem. Rep. of Congo
  CF    +0422+01835    Africa/Bangui
  CG    -0416+01517    Africa/Brazzaville
! CH    +4723+00832    Europe/Zurich    Switzerland, Busingen Germany
  CI    +0519-00402    Africa/Abidjan
  CK    -2114-15946    Pacific/Rarotonga
  CL    -3327-07040    America/Santiago    most locations
*** 160,166 ****
  CX    -1025+10543    Indian/Christmas
  CY    +3510+03322    Asia/Nicosia
  CZ    +5005+01426    Europe/Prague
! DE    +5230+01322    Europe/Berlin
  DJ    +1136+04309    Africa/Djibouti
  DK    +5540+01235    Europe/Copenhagen
  DM    +1518-06124    America/Dominica
--- 160,166 ----
  CX    -1025+10543    Indian/Christmas
  CY    +3510+03322    Asia/Nicosia
  CZ    +5005+01426    Europe/Prague
! DE    +5230+01322    Europe/Berlin    Germany (except Busingen)
  DJ    +1136+04309    Africa/Djibouti
  DK    +5540+01235    Europe/Copenhagen
  DM    +1518-06124    America/Dominica

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