[tz] Bugs in Russia - Seven month past since 2011-09-17 - still not fixed

Tobias Conradi tobias.conradi at gmail.com
Thu May 3 03:31:48 UTC 2012

>> Not sure, what is not to be understand with:
>> "Suggested new zone:
>> Asia/Barnaul, split from Asia/Omsk"
>>> or why.
>> "Moves to Omsk Time"
>> ..
>> 1995-05-28 Altai Krai, Altai Oblast
> This is an incomplete specification.  You suggest that a new zone, Asia/Barnaul, should use the Omsk rules from 1995-05-28, but make no suggestion for which rules apply to Asia/Barnaul before that date.

Yes it is incomplete regarding the time before, and it didn't claim to
be complete here. It was only there to fix the false information in
the db that on the day before 1995-05-28 the Altais observed the time
of Asia/Omsk.

Tobias Conradi
Rheinsberger Str. 18
10115 Berlin


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