[tz] proposed changes: past Altai/Tomsk time zone shifts
ovv at hetnet.nl
Thu May 3 18:07:02 UTC 2012
In reply to:
Tobias Conradi tobias.conradi at gmail.com
Thu May 3 15:02:15 UTC 2012
First I suggest to change "[This region consists of]" as e.g. in
! # From Oscar van Vlijmen (2001-08-25): [This region consists of]
to "[This zone consists of]" since I assume "region" here refers to
the tzdb zone.
Second I suggest to
A) either use the names of the country subdivisions as in the
Wikipedia article names......
etc., etc.
With respect, but you can do whatever you want, TZ can do whatever they
want, I don't care, but my advice would be: just stick as close as you can
get (with a reasonable transliteration) to the official region names, as
stated in the law regarding time zones, to be foud at:
(in Russian).
Oscar van Vlijmen
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