[tz] Notification of new releases only

Seán Coffey sean.coffey at oracle.com
Tue May 8 18:38:27 UTC 2012

+ 1. I'm sure this has been discussed before.

Please consider cloning the tz at iana.org alias to create a 
tz-announce at iana.org style alias. All members should be copied across. 
Only gatekeepers should be allowed use the new alias. All other 
discussions could continue on tz at iana.org.  Could that be done this week ?


On 08/05/2012 19:26, James Diebel wrote:
> The last proposal you suggested (a separate list) would be much 
> appreciated!  I'm also happy to add a filter so long as I can be sure 
> that the release announcements will have that text.  I can't afford to 
> miss a release, but I'd love to cut down on the number of messages in 
> my inbox.
> On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Guy Harris <guy at alum.mit.edu 
> <mailto:guy at alum.mit.edu>> wrote:
>     On May 8, 2012, at 10:57 AM, James Diebel wrote:
>     > I'm a user of the tz database, but not a contributor.  I would
>     like to receive notification of when a new release has been
>     issued, but without receiving the messages between contributors
>     debating the merits of various proposed changes.  Is there a way
>     to configure my mailing list subscription to only receive release
>     notifications?
>     The mailing list doesn't have any inherent notion of "release
>     notification" mail vs. other mail, so, no, there isn't a way to
>     configure the subscription to do that.
>     > If this is not possible, perhaps the subject line of a message
>     announcing a new release could always contain some keywords so
>     that I could write a mail filter to archive
>     non-release-announcement messages?
>     Currently, that's not the case, although if you look for messages
>     containing "code20" or "data20" in the subject line, that would
>     probably filter out many - but not all - of the
>     non-release-announcement messages (it would not filter out
>     discussions in followup messages unless the subject line is changed).
>     > And do such new release announcements always come from the same
>     person?  That would also help.
>     I'm guessing that, in the future, they'll come from Paul Eggert (I
>     think there was pretty much a groundswell of "yes" in response to
>     the proposal that he take over).
>     However, we might want to consider having a separate tz-announce
>     mailing list, for new release announcements (and perhaps other
>     announcements), and perhaps use Reply-To to redirect responses to
>     the tz list.
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