[tz] Propose to improve where to find rules for "Indian/Kerguelen"

John Haxby john.haxby at oracle.com
Tue May 15 10:51:52 UTC 2012

On 12/05/12 04:43, David Patte wrote:
> Since the subject is open, i personally have a huge issue with
> America/ being a primary timezone name. There is something jarring
> about 'America/Havana' or 'America/Toronto' or  'America/Caracas'. 

America is a continent, although in common parlance it's a country as well.

Changing names is a recipe for confusion though.   You're not
constrained to choose a timezone by name though: I regularly choose
timezones from two sorts of map, one shows regions, the other places
(cities, mainly) and I also get timezone chosen by GPS or IP location.

I don't like being lumped in with Europe either :)


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