[tz] Propose to improve where to find rules for "Indian/Kerguelen"

Mark Davis ☕ mark at macchiato.com
Wed May 16 17:16:40 UTC 2012

There are dozens of ways to divide up into continents, with perfectly good
reasons for this way or that.

For cases like that, we've just found that its better to go with an
accepted standard (the United Nations divisions, also used in BCP47 and
many other standards), rather than an alternative which is arguably no
better, and which just introduces gratuitous differences.

Mark <https://plus.google.com/114199149796022210033>
*— Il meglio è l’inimico del bene —*

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 3:22 AM, SM <sm at resistor.net> wrote:

> At 23:30 15-05-2012, Mark Davis ☕ wrote:
>> I firmly agree. Stability is far more important than fiddling with the
>> identifier names.
> Yes.
>  After all, the identifier names are really not for human consumption;
>> they need translation for anything but English, and even for English need
>> some tweaking. And if people want to have different groupings, that is easy
>> to do. In CLDR, for example, we group according to the United Nations M.49
>> standard for continents and subcontinents. (Cf
>> http://unicode.org/repos/cldr-**tmp/trunk/diff/supplemental/**
>> territory_containment_un_m_49.**html<http://unicode.org/repos/cldr-tmp/trunk/diff/supplemental/territory_containment_un_m_49.html>
>> )
> Some of the countries listed in Eastern Africa under M.49 are actually in
> another sub-continent in terms of political sub-continents.  Greenland is
> part of North America and politically within Europe.  Cyprus is categorized
> under Asia.
> If a rule of the thumb was needed, it could be to pick the continent where
> people in the region think they are.  It avoids the "how many continents
> are there" question.
> Regards,
> -sm
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