[tz] Propose new zone for Crozet Islands
Tobias Conradi
tobias.conradi at gmail.com
Thu May 24 02:52:34 UTC 2012
On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 7:09 PM, Antoine Leca <Antoine-TZ at leca-marti.org> wrote:
> Tobias Conradi wrote on 2012-05-12 04:04:27 +0200:
>> Current:
>> tzdata2012c/zone.tab only has:
>> TF -492110+0701303 Indian/Kerguelen
>> Note: I couldn't find the rules for Kerguelen
> The rules are in antartica (since "forever") even if the islands are
> ruled from Reunion which stands in africa file...
Merci beaucoup.
>> Propose:
>> TF -492110+0701303 Indian/Kerguelen most locations
>> TF -464114+517561 Indian/Crozet Crozet Islands
>> Coordinates are for the center of the biggest island, Possession
>> Island, which is the the Eastern group, which contains also the second
>> biggest island.
>> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Crozet_Map.png
> antartica file have slightly different coordinates (46°S 25' 51", 051°W
> 51'52") which are the ones for Alfred-Faure base, where most (all?)
> humans are.
So maybe a name for the zone that is closer to what the Theory file suggests
Keep locations compact. Use cities or small islands, not countries or regions,
> I have no information whether the clocks might have been different from
> the "natural" UTC+4 time zone (which extends up to 52°W 30') at any
> moment in the past (long-timers and archivists may record unclear and
> unchecked informations this about in 1986); so the correct move seems to
> create a new zone, perhaps along the attached changes (AFT is my
> invention, anything better will be fine with me;
TFT, according to widespread use of "<ISO 3166-1 alpha-2>T"
> I went with
> Indian/Alfred_Faure since, unlike
> Indian/Port_aux_Francais, it fits with
> the 14-character limit.)
WP is not consistent, article title is
but in the article it is "Alfred-Faure"
a) Base Alfred Faure ... scientific research base 0.04 km
b) Port-Alfred ... locality 1.95 km
Tobias Conradi
Rheinsberger Str. 18
10115 Berlin
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