[tz] time zone abbreviations - uniqueness and meaning

Steffen Daode Nurpmeso sdaoden at googlemail.com
Thu May 24 12:51:59 UTC 2012

"Sascha Wildner" <saw at online.de> wrote:

 |On Thu, 24 May 2012 12:11:32 +0200, Tobias Conradi  
 |<tobias.conradi at gmail.com> wrote:
 |> was: Re: [tz] Propose new zone for Crozet Islands
 |How about just working out all your little "proposals" privately and  
 |posting a _patch_ to tzdata* like it is good practice?


 |I for one will subscribe to the announce list because I'm really getting  
 |tired of your seemingly endless, annoying dribble.

And i *don't* wanna do that, because there were really interesting
topics once in a while, and things good to learn about, and that's
what it's about for me.

And from what i know his last posts really revealed fuzzy stuff
that could be improved (or de-improved).  Here i'm with your first
sentiment, though.

I in turn got response from the German Navy, the second.
Thanks to Herrn Kapitänleutnant Daub (Mr. Lieutenant Daub) and
Herrn Oberstabsbootsmann Jürgen Haak (Mr. Master Chief Petty
Officer Juergen Haak).
For the German Navy:

  Wir können Ihnen hier lediglich Informationen darüber geben, wie
  die Schiffe/Boote der Marine es in der Praxis mit den Zeitzonen
  handhaben. So fahren diese in der Regel in den jeweiligen
  Zonenzeiten mit Erreichen des entsprechenden Gebiets.
  Sonderregelungen (z. B. während Manövern/Übungen) sind möglich
  und werden vorab bekanntgegeben.

So the germans basically agree with the post from the former Navy
member ("normally local area time is used", "special arrangements
are possible and will be gazetted") if i recall correctly.
It was the "we have the better Kung-Fu" mail.  (And i was in doubt
because whoever has the better Kung-Fu actually didn't really
understand what Kung-Fu is about, but maybe it's simply a good
job.  Sorry.)

  Möglicherweise kann Ihnen aber das Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt
  und Hydrographie bezüglich der rechtlichen Regelungen Auskunft
  geben bzw.  zuständige Ansprechpartner benennen.

Yes, i didn't have had a clue and should of course have asked the
Federal Agency instead!
The question is - should i really do that?  Does it *really*
matter what timezone a ship uses regarding to the timezone
database?  Maybe i have mislead myself.  On the other hand i'll
send another mail if some international law actually exists (which
is what i have asked for), for completeness?!

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