[tz] Libya one hour back last night

Steffen Thorsen thorsen at timeanddate.com
Sat Nov 10 12:44:08 UTC 2012

On 11/10/12 11:40 , Even Scharning wrote:
> Sorry about the double post. (The list was slow, so I thought my 
> message was caught by a spam filter.)
> Here is an official source: http://ls.ly/fb6Yc
Some people reporting this change to us had some doubt if it actually would be adopted, but probably it will.

We have gotten the text in the resolution translated to English (given it was an image and not so easy to automatically translate), and it is like this:

After reviewing the Constitutional Declaration and modify it.
- depending upon law No. 5  of  year  2012 about  the official holidays.
- And upon  the decision of the National Transitional Council No. 184 , year 2011 on the accreditation of the transitional government.
- And upon the decision by the Council of Ministers at its regular Forty-one meeting  for the year 2012 "they decided"

The action of summer timing  must be dependable as set in this resolution.
Point (2)
For the year 2012 , the timing delay will be one hour at  (2:00) am on Saturday 10 /Nov./2012 so it becomes (1:00) am.
Point (3)
For the comings new years, the start of summer timing will be considered at (1:00) am from the last Friday in March of each year by shifting forward  one hour so that  the time will be ( 2:00) am.
Point (4)
For the comings new years, the end of summer timing will be considered at (2:00) am from the last Friday in October of each year by delaying  one hour so that  the time will be (1:00) am.
Point (5)
The number of official working hours remain the same.
Point (6)
Resolution terms must be applied  since its release date, all others  infringe decision must be neglected,  authorities  must implement and published it in the Official Newspaper.

Best regards,
Steffen Thorsen - timeanddate.com

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