[tz] Rerun of changes for Russia

Arthur David Olson arthurdavidolson at gmail.com
Sun Nov 25 21:59:13 UTC 2012

A second rerun, this time for the "europe" and "zone.tab" files to reflect
Russian time zone changes in 2011.
Again, provided both as an attachment and with tabs mangled below.
Again, these have been adjusted to be relative to tz2012j.


*** tz2012j/europe    2012-11-09 20:49:36.000000000 -0500
--- tznew/europe    2012-11-25 16:21:23.538043000 -0500
*** 2043,2048 ****
--- 2043,2112 ----

  # Russia

+ # From Alexander Krivenyshev (2011-09-15):
+ # Based on last Russian Government Decree # 725 on August 31, 2011
+ # (Government document
+ # <a href="http://www.government.ru/gov/results/16355/print/">
+ # http://www.government.ru/gov/results/16355/print/
+ # </a>
+ # in Russian)
+ # there are few corrections have to be made for some Russian time zones...
+ # All updated Russian Time Zones were placed in table and translated to
+ # by WorldTimeZone.com at the link below:
+ # <a href="http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_russia36.htm">
+ # http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_russia36.htm
+ # </a>
+ # From Sanjeev Gupta (2011-09-27):
+ # Scans of [Decree #23 of January 8, 1992] are available at:
+ # <a href="http://government.consultant.ru/page.aspx?1223966">
+ # http://government.consultant.ru/page.aspx?1223966
+ # They are in Cyrillic letters (presumably Russian).
+ # From Arthur David Olson (2012-05-09):
+ # Regarding the instant when clocks in time-zone-shifting parts of Russia
+ # changed in September 2011:
+ #
+ # One source is
+ # < a href="http://government.ru/gov/results/16355/>
+ # http://government.ru/gov/results/16355/
+ # </a>
+ # which, according to translate.google.com, begins "Decree of August 31,
+ # 2011 No 725" and contains no other dates or "effective date"
+ #
+ # Another source is
+ # <a href="http://www.rg.ru/2011/09/06/chas-zona-dok.html">
+ # http://www.rg.ru/2011/09/06/chas-zona-dok.html
+ # </a>
+ # which, according to translate.google.com, begins "Resolution of the
+ # Government of the Russian Federation on August 31, 2011 N 725" and also
+ # contains "Date first official publication: September 6, 2011 Posted on:
+ # in the 'RG' - Federal Issue number 5573 September 6, 2011" but which
+ # does not contain any "effective date" information.
+ #
+ # Another source is
+ # <a href="
+ # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oymyakonsky_District#cite_note-RuTime-7
+ # </a>
+ # which, in note 8, contains "Resolution #725 of August 31, 2011...
+ # Effective as of after 7 days following the day of the official
+ # but which does not contain any reference to September 6, 2011.
+ #
+ # The Wikipedia article refers to
+ # <a href="
+ # http://base.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc;base=LAW;n=118896
+ # </a>
+ # which seems to copy the text of the government.ru page.
+ #
+ # Tobias Conradi combines Wikipedia's
+ # "as of after 7 days following the day of the official publication"
+ # with www.rg.ru's "Date of first official publication: September 6,
2011" to get
+ # September 13, 2011 as the cutover date (unusually, a Tuesday, as Tobias
Conradi notes).
+ #
+ # None of the sources indicates a time of day for changing clocks.
+ #
+ # Go with 2011-09-13 0:00s.
  # From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
  # Except for Moscow after 1919-07-01, I invented the time zone
  # Moscow time zone abbreviations after 1919-07-01, and Moscow rules after
*** 2270,2283 ****
  # [parts of] Respublika Sakha (Yakutiya).

  # From Oscar van Vlijmen (2009-11-29):
! # The Sakha districts are: Bulunskij, Verkhoyanskij, Tomponskij,
! # Ust'-Yanskij.
  Zone Asia/Vladivostok     8:47:44 -    LMT    1922 Nov 15
               9:00    -    VLAT    1930 Jun 21 # Vladivostok Time
              10:00    Russia    VLA%sT    1991 Mar 31 2:00s
               9:00    Russia    VLA%sST    1992 Jan 19 2:00s
              10:00    Russia    VLA%sT    2011 Mar 27 2:00s
              11:00    -    VLAT
  # Sakhalinskaya oblast'.
  # The Zone name should be Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, but that's too long.
--- 2334,2359 ----
  # [parts of] Respublika Sakha (Yakutiya).

  # From Oscar van Vlijmen (2009-11-29):
! # The Sakha districts are: Bulunskij, Verkhoyanskij, ... Ust'-Yanskij.
  Zone Asia/Vladivostok     8:47:44 -    LMT    1922 Nov 15
               9:00    -    VLAT    1930 Jun 21 # Vladivostok Time
              10:00    Russia    VLA%sT    1991 Mar 31 2:00s
               9:00    Russia    VLA%sST    1992 Jan 19 2:00s
              10:00    Russia    VLA%sT    2011 Mar 27 2:00s
              11:00    -    VLAT
+ # From Arthur David Olson (2012-05-09):
+ # Tomponskij and Ust'-Majskij switched from Vladivostok time to Yakutsk
+ # in 2011.
+ Zone Asia/Khandyga     9:02:13 -    LMT    1922 Nov 15
+              9:00    -    VLAT    1930 Jun 21 # Vladivostok Time
+             10:00    Russia    VLA%sT    1991 Mar 31 2:00s
+              9:00    Russia    VLA%sST    1992 Jan 19 2:00s
+             10:00    Russia    VLA%sT    2011 Mar 27 2:00s
+             11:00    -    VLAT    2011 Sep 13 0:00s # Decree 725?
+             10:00    -    YAKT
  # Sakhalinskaya oblast'.
  # The Zone name should be Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, but that's too long.
*** 2296,2309 ****

  # From Oscar van Vlijmen (2009-11-29):
  # The Sakha districts are: Abyjskij, Allaikhovskij, Verkhhhnekolymskij,
! # Nizhnekolymskij, Ojmyakonskij, Srednekolymskij.
  Zone Asia/Magadan    10:03:12 -    LMT    1924 May  2
              10:00    -    MAGT    1930 Jun 21 # Magadan Time
              11:00    Russia    MAG%sT    1991 Mar 31 2:00s
              10:00    Russia    MAG%sT    1992 Jan 19 2:00s
              11:00    Russia    MAG%sT    2011 Mar 27 2:00s
              12:00    -    MAGT
! #
  # From Oscar van Vlijmen (2001-08-25): [This region consists of]
  # Kamchatskaya oblast', Koryakskij avtonomnyj okrug.
--- 2372,2396 ----

  # From Oscar van Vlijmen (2009-11-29):
  # The Sakha districts are: Abyjskij, Allaikhovskij, Verkhhhnekolymskij,
! # Nizhnekolymskij, ... Srednekolymskij.
  Zone Asia/Magadan    10:03:12 -    LMT    1924 May  2
              10:00    -    MAGT    1930 Jun 21 # Magadan Time
              11:00    Russia    MAG%sT    1991 Mar 31 2:00s
              10:00    Russia    MAG%sT    1992 Jan 19 2:00s
              11:00    Russia    MAG%sT    2011 Mar 27 2:00s
              12:00    -    MAGT
! # From Arthur David Olson (2012-05-09):
! # Ojmyakonskij and the Kuril Islands switched from
! # Magadan time to Vladivostok time in 2011
! Zone Asia/Ust-Nera     9:32:54 -    LMT    1924 May  2
!             10:00    -    MAGT    1930 Jun 21 # Magadan Time
!             11:00    Russia    MAG%sT    1991 Mar 31 2:00s
!             10:00    Russia    MAG%sT    1992 Jan 19 2:00s
!             11:00    Russia    MAG%sT    2011 Mar 27 2:00s
!             12:00    -    MAGT    2011 Sep 13 0:00s # Decree 725?
!             11:00    -    VLAT
  # From Oscar van Vlijmen (2001-08-25): [This region consists of]
  # Kamchatskaya oblast', Koryakskij avtonomnyj okrug.
*** tz2012j/zone.tab    2012-07-18 20:30:38.000000000 -0400
--- tznew/zone.tab    2012-11-25 16:24:25.920299600 -0500
*** 341,348 ****
--- 341,350 ----
  RU    +5601+09250    Asia/Krasnoyarsk    Moscow+04 - Yenisei River
  RU    +5216+10420    Asia/Irkutsk    Moscow+05 - Lake Baikal
  RU    +6200+12940    Asia/Yakutsk    Moscow+06 - Lena River
+ RU    +623923+1353314    Asia/Khandyga    Moscow+06 - Tomponsky,
  RU    +4310+13156    Asia/Vladivostok    Moscow+07 - Amur River
  RU    +4658+14242    Asia/Sakhalin    Moscow+07 - Sakhalin Island
+ RU    +643337+1431336    Asia/Ust-Nera    Moscow+07 - Oymyakonsky
  RU    +5934+15048    Asia/Magadan    Moscow+08 - Magadan
  RU    +5301+15839    Asia/Kamchatka    Moscow+08 - Kamchatka
  RU    +6445+17729    Asia/Anadyr    Moscow+08 - Bering Sea
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*** tz2012j/europe	2012-11-09 20:49:36.000000000 -0500
--- tznew/europe	2012-11-25 16:21:23.538043000 -0500
*** 2043,2048 ****
--- 2043,2112 ----
  # Russia
+ # From Alexander Krivenyshev (2011-09-15): 
+ # Based on last Russian Government Decree # 725 on August 31, 2011
+ # (Government document
+ # <a href="http://www.government.ru/gov/results/16355/print/">
+ # http://www.government.ru/gov/results/16355/print/
+ # </a>
+ # in Russian)
+ # there are few corrections have to be made for some Russian time zones...
+ # All updated Russian Time Zones were placed in table and translated to English
+ # by WorldTimeZone.com at the link below:
+ # <a href="http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_russia36.htm">
+ # http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_russia36.htm
+ # </a>
+ # From Sanjeev Gupta (2011-09-27):
+ # Scans of [Decree #23 of January 8, 1992] are available at:
+ # <a href="http://government.consultant.ru/page.aspx?1223966">
+ # http://government.consultant.ru/page.aspx?1223966
+ # They are in Cyrillic letters (presumably Russian).
+ # From Arthur David Olson (2012-05-09):
+ # Regarding the instant when clocks in time-zone-shifting parts of Russia
+ # changed in September 2011:
+ #
+ # One source is
+ # < a href="http://government.ru/gov/results/16355/>
+ # http://government.ru/gov/results/16355/
+ # </a>
+ # which, according to translate.google.com, begins "Decree of August 31,
+ # 2011 No 725" and contains no other dates or "effective date" information.
+ #
+ # Another source is
+ # <a href="http://www.rg.ru/2011/09/06/chas-zona-dok.html">
+ # http://www.rg.ru/2011/09/06/chas-zona-dok.html
+ # </a>
+ # which, according to translate.google.com, begins "Resolution of the
+ # Government of the Russian Federation on August 31, 2011 N 725" and also
+ # contains "Date first official publication: September 6, 2011 Posted on:
+ # in the 'RG' - Federal Issue number 5573 September 6, 2011" but which
+ # does not contain any "effective date" information.
+ #
+ # Another source is
+ # <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oymyakonsky_District#cite_note-RuTime-7">
+ # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oymyakonsky_District#cite_note-RuTime-7
+ # </a>
+ # which, in note 8, contains "Resolution #725 of August 31, 2011...
+ # Effective as of after 7 days following the day of the official publication"
+ # but which does not contain any reference to September 6, 2011.
+ #
+ # The Wikipedia article refers to
+ # <a href="http://base.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc;base=LAW;n=118896">
+ # http://base.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc;base=LAW;n=118896
+ # </a>
+ # which seems to copy the text of the government.ru page.
+ #
+ # Tobias Conradi combines Wikipedia's
+ # "as of after 7 days following the day of the official publication"
+ # with www.rg.ru's "Date of first official publication: September 6, 2011" to get
+ # September 13, 2011 as the cutover date (unusually, a Tuesday, as Tobias Conradi notes).
+ #
+ # None of the sources indicates a time of day for changing clocks.
+ #
+ # Go with 2011-09-13 0:00s.
  # From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
  # Except for Moscow after 1919-07-01, I invented the time zone abbreviations.
  # Moscow time zone abbreviations after 1919-07-01, and Moscow rules after 1991,
*** 2270,2283 ****
  # [parts of] Respublika Sakha (Yakutiya).
  # From Oscar van Vlijmen (2009-11-29):
! # The Sakha districts are: Bulunskij, Verkhoyanskij, Tomponskij, Ust'-Majskij,
! # Ust'-Yanskij.
  Zone Asia/Vladivostok	 8:47:44 -	LMT	1922 Nov 15
  			 9:00	-	VLAT	1930 Jun 21 # Vladivostok Time
  			10:00	Russia	VLA%sT	1991 Mar 31 2:00s
  			 9:00	Russia	VLA%sST	1992 Jan 19 2:00s
  			10:00	Russia	VLA%sT	2011 Mar 27 2:00s
  			11:00	-	VLAT
  # Sakhalinskaya oblast'.
  # The Zone name should be Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, but that's too long.
--- 2334,2359 ----
  # [parts of] Respublika Sakha (Yakutiya).
  # From Oscar van Vlijmen (2009-11-29):
! # The Sakha districts are: Bulunskij, Verkhoyanskij, ... Ust'-Yanskij.
  Zone Asia/Vladivostok	 8:47:44 -	LMT	1922 Nov 15
  			 9:00	-	VLAT	1930 Jun 21 # Vladivostok Time
  			10:00	Russia	VLA%sT	1991 Mar 31 2:00s
  			 9:00	Russia	VLA%sST	1992 Jan 19 2:00s
  			10:00	Russia	VLA%sT	2011 Mar 27 2:00s
  			11:00	-	VLAT
+ # From Arthur David Olson (2012-05-09):
+ # Tomponskij and Ust'-Majskij switched from Vladivostok time to Yakutsk time
+ # in 2011.
+ Zone Asia/Khandyga	 9:02:13 -	LMT	1922 Nov 15
+ 			 9:00	-	VLAT	1930 Jun 21 # Vladivostok Time
+ 			10:00	Russia	VLA%sT	1991 Mar 31 2:00s
+ 			 9:00	Russia	VLA%sST	1992 Jan 19 2:00s
+ 			10:00	Russia	VLA%sT	2011 Mar 27 2:00s
+ 			11:00	-	VLAT	2011 Sep 13 0:00s # Decree 725?
+ 			10:00	-	YAKT
  # Sakhalinskaya oblast'.
  # The Zone name should be Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, but that's too long.
*** 2296,2309 ****
  # From Oscar van Vlijmen (2009-11-29):
  # The Sakha districts are: Abyjskij, Allaikhovskij, Verkhhhnekolymskij, Momskij,
! # Nizhnekolymskij, Ojmyakonskij, Srednekolymskij.
  Zone Asia/Magadan	10:03:12 -	LMT	1924 May  2
  			10:00	-	MAGT	1930 Jun 21 # Magadan Time
  			11:00	Russia	MAG%sT	1991 Mar 31 2:00s
  			10:00	Russia	MAG%sT	1992 Jan 19 2:00s
  			11:00	Russia	MAG%sT	2011 Mar 27 2:00s
  			12:00	-	MAGT
! #
  # From Oscar van Vlijmen (2001-08-25): [This region consists of]
  # Kamchatskaya oblast', Koryakskij avtonomnyj okrug.
--- 2372,2396 ----
  # From Oscar van Vlijmen (2009-11-29):
  # The Sakha districts are: Abyjskij, Allaikhovskij, Verkhhhnekolymskij, Momskij,
! # Nizhnekolymskij, ... Srednekolymskij.
  Zone Asia/Magadan	10:03:12 -	LMT	1924 May  2
  			10:00	-	MAGT	1930 Jun 21 # Magadan Time
  			11:00	Russia	MAG%sT	1991 Mar 31 2:00s
  			10:00	Russia	MAG%sT	1992 Jan 19 2:00s
  			11:00	Russia	MAG%sT	2011 Mar 27 2:00s
  			12:00	-	MAGT
! # From Arthur David Olson (2012-05-09):
! # Ojmyakonskij and the Kuril Islands switched from
! # Magadan time to Vladivostok time in 2011
! Zone Asia/Ust-Nera	 9:32:54 -	LMT	1924 May  2
! 			10:00	-	MAGT	1930 Jun 21 # Magadan Time
! 			11:00	Russia	MAG%sT	1991 Mar 31 2:00s
! 			10:00	Russia	MAG%sT	1992 Jan 19 2:00s
! 			11:00	Russia	MAG%sT	2011 Mar 27 2:00s
! 			12:00	-	MAGT	2011 Sep 13 0:00s # Decree 725?
! 			11:00	-	VLAT
  # From Oscar van Vlijmen (2001-08-25): [This region consists of]
  # Kamchatskaya oblast', Koryakskij avtonomnyj okrug.
*** tz2012j/zone.tab	2012-07-18 20:30:38.000000000 -0400
--- tznew/zone.tab	2012-11-25 16:24:25.920299600 -0500
*** 341,348 ****
--- 341,350 ----
  RU	+5601+09250	Asia/Krasnoyarsk	Moscow+04 - Yenisei River
  RU	+5216+10420	Asia/Irkutsk	Moscow+05 - Lake Baikal
  RU	+6200+12940	Asia/Yakutsk	Moscow+06 - Lena River
+ RU	+623923+1353314	Asia/Khandyga	Moscow+06 - Tomponsky, Ust-Maysky
  RU	+4310+13156	Asia/Vladivostok	Moscow+07 - Amur River
  RU	+4658+14242	Asia/Sakhalin	Moscow+07 - Sakhalin Island
+ RU	+643337+1431336	Asia/Ust-Nera	Moscow+07 - Oymyakonsky
  RU	+5934+15048	Asia/Magadan	Moscow+08 - Magadan
  RU	+5301+15839	Asia/Kamchatka	Moscow+08 - Kamchatka
  RU	+6445+17729	Asia/Anadyr	Moscow+08 - Bering Sea

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