[tz] How to compute the moment of the next DST change

Paul_Koning at Dell.com Paul_Koning at Dell.com
Tue Apr 2 15:43:32 UTC 2013

That's a possibility, but it may make more sense to have your favorite libraries know how to read tz binary files.  After all, on any OS that uses the tzdata information, those files exist.  On the other hand, auxiliary outputs like CSV files are less likely to be installed as standard practice.

There are likely to be libraries already in existence where this feature could be added.  The Python one I mentioned is a good example: I expected to find tzdata support there and was surprised to discover it missing, but it seems like an easy enough enhancement to make and submit to the community.


On Apr 2, 2013, at 11:32 AM, Bennett Todd wrote:

Might it be practical to add an option to zdump for CSV output, and document that as a public supported API?

Maybe include generation of csv companion files beside the binary zone data as part of the makefile target that builds the zone data files?

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