[tz] A failure - CLDR as an IANA time zone database extension for Mexico

Deborah Goldsmith goldsmit at apple.com
Tue Apr 2 22:57:44 UTC 2013

CLDR data is used in ICU, which is used in iOS, OS X, and Android. I wouldn’t say “no-one uses it.”

CLDR bugs can be reported here:


or you can just participate in the process as outlined at cldr.unicode.org.


On Apr 2, 2013, at 3:29 PM, Random832 <random832 at fastmail.us> wrote:

> Then that is a mistake in the CLDR data (likely uncaught because no-one uses it because no C implementation supports it), which should be reported to them, rather than used as a reason to either A) not bother supporting localization or B) totally reinvent the wheel.

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