[tz] Patched file australasia - time point unique abbreviations for Australia

Bennett Todd bet at rahul.net
Tue Apr 9 00:47:46 UTC 2013

2013-04-08T20:37 dpatte at relativedata.com>
> I suggest we take this proposal off the tz iana list, and instead prepare
it on its own list. When it is complete, we will return the result to this

That sounds reasonable.

A suggestion: you might make a point of trying to set up a download
mechanism -- e.g. an http server -- where you can keep logs with timestamps
and requestor's IP addresses.

Given the rather significant hassle involved in doing anything with the
source of the database, the number of distinct downloads can be a measure
of the interest in the changes, which would be helpful in a discussion of
whether a change merits consideration for inclusion in the master sources,
for eventual use by vendors.
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